| Magdalene Dead to Be Remembered in Limerick City
By Nick Rabbitts
Limerick Leader
March 4, 2016
Mount St Lawrence Cemetery
A CEREMONY will take place in Mount St Lawrence Cemetery this Sunday to commemorate women who lived and died in the Magadalene laundries.
From 3pm this Mother's day, Sunday, March 6, at the Mulgrave Street graveyard, the names of Magdalene laundries women buried in the cemetery will be read out and remembered.
The event is being organised by Justice for Magdalenes Research, who are calling on members of the public to visit graves and lay a flower to honour these women.
There are two grave sites in Limerick designed for Magdalene women in Limerick: one in Mount St Lawrence, the other in Mount St Oliver.
Named Flowers for Magdalanes, it is a family event, and children are welcome.
Artist Pauline Goggin, Corbally, who is helping organise the event in Limerick, said: “For any women who experienced time working in the laundries, it is very supportive for them to know that people remember and are present to remember with them.”
At least 1,663 former Magdalene woman are buried in cemeteries around the country, many of whom are unmarked graves.
Here in Limerick, thanks to the work of Independent councillor John Gilligan, many of their names have been recorded on stone slabs since 2003.
The Justice for Magdalenes Group is composed of survivors and family members of women who worked the laundries.
Many women in these laundries suffered abuse and neglect. The group exists to promote and represent their interests.
For more information on the events, telephone 086-1558874.