| How Could Pell Not Have Known of Child Abuse?
By Peter FitzSimons
Sydney Morning Herald
February 27, 2016
The bus that crashed at the Montague Street underpass. Photo: Nino Bucci
Stand by, Australia.
This will be the week that Cardinal George Pell, a pillar of the Catholic Church in Australia for much of the last four decades, and now the third most powerful figure at the Vatican, faces the Royal Commission into Child Sex Abuse.
Sadly he will not be be giving his evidence in Australia, as – despite being capable of continuing his normal work running the Vatican finances – 24 hours in a Qantas First Class is quite beyond him.
And yes, even that light observation will no doubt get the hackles up of the Cardinal's few remaining defenders. But I'd invite them to read my erstwhile colleague David Marr's devastating piece in The Guardian this week.
With forensic fervour, Marr dissects Cardinal Pell's position noting that, even though the abuse of children was happening all around him for 30 years, even though many witnesses have come forward and explicitly testified that they TOLD Pell it was going on, still the Cardinal maintains "he knew nothing – nothing while he was a priest in Ballarat about the paedophiles around him, and little about these men and their victims in his years as an auxiliary bishop in Melbourne. He was never in the loop. No one warned him. No one complained to him. He didn't read that letter or this report. It never came up at meetings. There's nothing in the minutes. There's nothing in the files."
It will, of course, be for the Royal Commission to wade through all that, and Marr makes the point that this will likely be the last chance to actually get to the bottom of it.
For when you read his account, and go through the witness statement, it simply beggars belief that he could not have known.
You're smart enough to rise to the Vatican no.3, but so obtuse that you had no idea of the systemic abuse and even more systemic cover-ups? And all the credible witnesses who said they told you, are simply making it up or were mistaken? Australia will watch with interest.
Making some progress
Amid all the staggering bigotry that still exists towards gays, as witnessed by the hysterical response to the Safe Schools program – a straightforward program designed to stop the bullying of gay kids – came a sign of just how much Australia has progressed on the whole issue. Last week the Tele published a photo of our greatest Olympian, Ian Thorpe, kissing his new boyfriend on the lips. Ten years ago, people would have fainted. This time, hardly anyone blinked, no-one cared. I don't think even Fred Nile could be bothered uttering a word of protest at its publication, at least not that I have seen.
How the truck became unstuck
When I was a little boy I cherished the story told me by my father – whose 100th Birthday 150 extended FitzSimii will celebrate today on our family farm, which holds his grave, thanks for asking – about the truck that got caught beneath a railway overpass. Neither tractors, nor tow-trucks could shift it, until a shy little boy my age whispered something to the police chief, and within two minutes it was free. What did he whisper?
... and the bus that didn't
Of course, he whispered his suggestion that they let the tyres down. Which brings us to the Montague Street underpass in South Melbourne, which, as you might have seen this week, suffered another bus-crash, shearing off the top of a bus, carrying 15 delegates to a tourism conference. This underpass catches, on average, three trucks and buses, a WEEK. So, as a shy little boy now grown, can I ask? Why don't they, 100 metres before the bridge, put some hanging chains the height of the underpass. Problem solved, surely? Thank you, thank all!
A bloke goes to the circus and is impressed. After the show he speaks to the manager and asks for a job.
"Alright, what can you do?" the manager asks.
"I can do great bird impressions," the bloke replies.
"Pssh, a lot of people can do that."
"Oh well, never mind," the bloke says, and flies away.
"It indoctrinates kids with a Marxist agenda of cultural relativism . . ."
An un-named Coalition MP – but I'll bet it rhymes with "Tory Turn-Hardy" – to the joint-partyroom on Safe Schools program, which is designed simply to protect gay kids from being bullied.
"Luckily, hopefully, they all ducked their heads and closed their eyes to keep themselves out of trouble."
Andrew O'Connell, Melbourne MFB Incident Controller, about the 15 people attending a tourism conference whose bus crashed into a low bridge. No one was badly hurt.
"The government should stop tinkering with superannuation. Not even think about it. And Barnaby Joyce, as the new deputy prime minister, should stop thinking out loud."
Journalist Madonna King, on The Drum, about the floated idea that superannuation shouldn't be compulsory for low income earners.
"When I was giving my statement in the police station afterwards, the officer suggested someone might nominate me for a bravery award, but it just felt good to help, because this poor man that got pushed, he was about 60 and he was pushing his 90-year-old mother in a wheelchair at the time."
Shayne Hunt, 19 years old and about 50kg, who crash-tackled a robber in Nowra when he was running away from attacking two people. Once she had him on the ground, other people held him until the police arrived while she picked up his wallet and phone so he could be identified if he got away again.
"To encourage a guy to wear a dress would just be setting him up for bullying."
Wendy Francis, spokesperson for the Australian Christian Lobby, which is condemning the announcement this week from Newtown High School of the Performing Arts that its uniform policy is being changed to allow students to wear boys or girls uniforms regardless of their gender.
"Hang on in there."
Advice from Andrew Mackenzie, CEO of BHP Billiton, to investors as the company announced a half-year $7.8 billion loss.
"We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated."
Donald Trump, after winning the Nevada Republican Primary.
"The plan we're putting forward today isn't just about closing the facility at Guantanamo. It's not just about dealing with the current group of detainees, which is a complex piece of business because of the manner in which they were originally apprehended and what happened. This is about closing a chapter in our history. Keeping this facility open is contrary to our values. It undermines our standing in the world. It is viewed as a stain on our broader record of upholding the highest standards of rule of law."
American president Barack Obama calling for the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention facility after delivering his plan to Congress to achieve a goal that has long eluded his presidency.
"They [the ALP] have got a policy that will increase the cost of housing for all Australians, for those people who own a home and for those people who would like to get into the housing market through their negative gearing policy."
Assistant Treasurer Kelly O'Dwyer on morning television, going off-track and managing to contradict Malcolm Turnbull.
"The point I was making is that under Labor's policy there will be increased demand for new property, pushing up prices for new property. It is clear from Labor's ill-considered policy that existing house prices will decline."
Kelly O'Dwyer later, back-pedalling as fast as she could.
"In 1978, The Sydney Morning Herald reported the names, addresses and professions of people arrested during public protests to advance gay rights. The paper at the time was following the custom and practice of the day. We acknowledge and apologise for the hurt and suffering that reporting caused. It would never happen today."
The SMH apologises to the 78-ers, the founders of the Mardi Gras, on the same day an apology was extended in the NSW Parliament.