'Sexual revolution' cause of child abuse
Sky News
February 23, 2016
The 'sexual revolution' of the 1970s may have contributed to Christian Brothers sexually abusing children in a Victorian community, a religious superior says.
Brother Paul Nangle suggested the cultural change made it possible for things to occur that would not be accepted by society today, when asked to explain how so many Brothers could have abused children under his watch.
Br Nangle said the abuse and rape of children could never be justified but society became more relaxed about sexuality in the 1970s.
'I wouldn't say that it caused it,' he said.
'I'd be inclined to say that it might have contributed to creating a climate in which such things may have become possible.'
But child abuse royal commission chair Justice Peter McClellan repeatedly questioned how it could ever be said the cultural change caused or justified Brothers sexually abusing children.
'How could it be that a change in western culture, as counsel puts it the sexual revolution', caused priests or Brothers to abuse, including rape, children?' he asked.
Br Nangle, the 1970s superior of the order's Ballarat community and St Patrick's College headmaster, also said the psychosexual formation of Brothers in the congregation may have been deficient or defective.
Br Nangle said as a religious superior, he would have taken for granted that the Brothers were all motivated by a desire for spiritual perfection.
'At the time in my mind it would have been totally inconceivable to me that a religious Brother could have behaved in such a deplorable manner.'
Br Nangle said he may have been naive in trusting people but denied he was blind to the sexual abuse being 'quite audaciously' committed under his watch.
'Whenever I was made aware of misconduct, I acted to correct it. I wasn't blind to it.
'Perhaps, with greater worldly wisdom, I might have been alert to signs that were there.'
Br Nangle maintained he was only told about three sex abuse complaints involving three Brothers in the 1970s and took appropriate action, reporting those to the province leader.
Br Nangle had no memory of numerous events put to him on Tuesday, including being told about sexual abuse by Br Edward Dowlan.
He said the only complaint he received about Dowlan was for excessive strapping in 1974.
The commission heard that boy was so badly beaten by Dowlan he was left with an imprint of a belt buckle on his skin.
The boy's mother said she decided not to have him charged because of her Catholic background and after talking to Br Nangle.
'Br Nangle sort of talked to me about it and he said it was a big blot on the Catholic Church, which it probably would have been, and St Patrick's being an exclusive type of college, it would have been bad for them,' she said in 1994.
Br Nangle denied saying that and said the mother gave no indication of the extent of the injuries, which Justice McClellan said seemed extraordinarily unlikely.
Br Nangle also said in the 1970s he did not fully understand the enormous trauma caused to children by abusive adults.
'I'm appalled at what happened and I am deeply sorry for the pain that people have suffered as a result of that,' he said.