Cardinal George Pell: more sinned against than sinning
By Frank O'shea
February 23, 2016
Cardinal George Pell is like the biblical scapegoat, banished to the desert for the sins of his own organisation. |
Isn't it time someone spoke up for George Pell? I have never met him and have no ambition to do so. He seems to lack what you might call warmth; he comes across as remote, patrician, above the ordinary herd. But you could say the same about many academics or judges or public figures and it is hardly a reason to excuse the poor press that he gets.
In fact, the strident common tone of the media treatment of Pell should be a signal to people to wonder whether we are being manipulated. When all public commentary seems to agree on something, it is a duty of those who do not take their opinions from the media or from shock jocks to raise a small squeal of protest.
Modern Australia has long forgotten the widespread sectarianism of a former era, but perhaps there are buried shoots, ready to sprout at the least provocation. And the clerical abuse crisis is just the kind of stimulant to get these weeds growing again.
You may still hear comments from those times in surprising places – your local golf club, the butcher shop where you pick up doggy scraps, a restaurant meal – comments which pass over your head because you are among friends. Offence was not intended and in your case, not taken, but you may subsequently wonder where the remark came from, what caused someone you know well to make a statement more appropriate to the Mannix days of the 1920s.
So when the country is presented with a target like Cardinal George Pell – elegant even at 74, articulate, impeccably dressed (if one may excuse the medieval drapery), promoted to a responsible job tidying up the finances of a worldwide corporation – it is an invitation to revisit old battles about unpatriotic, skiving, third-column Catholics. Probably Irish.
Of course, the treatment of Pell can be excused as an example of Australia's love for pruning back the tall poppy, but surely there is more to it. That members of his own organisation, even fellow clerics, join in the jibing, leaves him without much by way of defence.
Pell was unfortunate to have been associated with the diocese of Ballarat and the gang of predators who hid behind Roman collars. There seems to be a case that his reaction to hearing what was happening was tardy, inadequate and lacking in compassion. The assumption is that his response was guided not by care for the victims but by the need to protect the church and lessen the financial damage it might suffer.
I do not know enough about those cases to offer a comment and indeed that is one of the reasons why an expensive royal commission was set up. What I find disturbing is the widely held assumption that his motives were mercenary and unethical, a view that seems to be unchallenged. Any attempt he makes to say otherwise is mocked or shouted down. We don't know what his motives were, but we are encouraged to assume that they were ignoble.
The same applies to the so-called Melbourne response. It is surely possible to look at that effort as an attempt at repairing a wrong, a bid to initiate a financial redress for those who had been abused – indeed the first of its kind in the country. Instead, hindsight is used to present it as inadequate, an attempt to set a limit on payouts. In effect, Pell is criticised for not predicting what the outcome of court cases would be. He was in the field before the lawyers and before the commission and has suffered for it; other administrators in other dioceses who sat on their clenched fists have got off scot free.
If Pell does not cross-examine witnesses at the royal commission, that body can accept all their statements and make judgment accordingly. In effect, he is being compelled by the commission to put people who have already suffered abuse through further distress; the media has placed the blame on him, rather than on the legal process.
And now that he is unable to attend the commission on medical advice, he is lampooned, the implication being that his illness is contrived. That he has said he is willing to attend is ignored, because if you start out from a position that insists he is untrustworthy, then you can put a negative interpretation on any action he takes.
George Pell is like the biblical scapegoat, banished to the desert for the sins of his own organisation. The sad thing is that people are so concentrated on him that there is little discussion of compulsory celibacy, which commonsense suggests is a major cause of the problem.
We may not be up to feeling sympathy for George Pell, but shouldn't we at least refrain from kicking him while he is down?