| Catholic School Sex Abuse Scandal: Finding the Courage to Confront the Past
By Henrietta Cook
The Age
February 19, 2016
St Alipius Presbytary, church and old boys school in Ballarat have ribbons tied to the fence to pay tribute to the victims and survivors of child abuse. Photo: Simon O'Dwyer
It took decades – and a firm psychologist – for Peter Blenkiron? to find the courage to return to his old school. He didn't want to, but he knew he must. Not just for him; for all those other kids.
His psychologist slowly walked with him towards the grand, wrought iron gates. The looming red brick building looked the same. So did the steps behind the chapel, where the worst stuff happened. Blenkiron's heart was pounding, and his calloused hands were sweaty. And suddenly he was 11 again.
"It was like an internal bomb went off," he says. "My intestines turned to broken glass. It cut me into pieces inside."
Ribbons tied to the fence at St Alipius Presbytery, church and old boys school in Ballarat pay tribute to the victims and survivors of child abuse. Photo: Simon O'Dwyer
Against the backdrop of a screeching coffee machine, an unusual meeting is taking place at a Ballarat cafe. Three middle-aged men are sitting alongside the principals of their former schools. The faith-based schools where they lost a lot of faith in adults. They have formed an unlikely alliance. They want to make sure that what happened to them will not happen to other students. Not ever.
"Some good has to come from all the bad," Blenkiron says, gulping down his coffee. "We have to start somewhere. Words mean nothing. It is actions that rebuild trust."
Blenkiron was sexually abused by a Christian Brother when he was an 11-year-old student at St Patrick's College. Today, he is sitting next to Paul Auchettl, who was also molested, and Brian Pola, who was abused for being gay.
Principal Eileen Rice with colourful ribbons students have attached to the fences at St Alipius Parish School. Photo: Simon O'Dwyer
In the 1960s and 1970s they were students of St Patrick's College and St Alipius Boys' School, where convicted paedophiles Robert Best, Stephen Francis Farrell, Edward Dowlan, Gerald Fitzgerald and Gerald Ridsdale all worked.
They are joined by the new principal of St Pats, John Crowley, and the principal of what is now St Alipius Parish School, Eileen Rice.
Blenkiron clutches a plastic folder bursting with tattered paper, and furiously jots down notes.The group has met every fortnight since the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse rolled into town last May, exposing a horrific legacy of child molestation and cover-ups. The commission will resume hearings in Ballarat on Monday.
Students from the St Alipius Parish School share a funny moment while putting ribbons on the front fence of the school to acknowledge child abuse within the Catholic Church. Photo: Simon O'Dwyer
Scores of Australian schools have been caught up in the mess. And hundreds of former students are still suffering. But a shift is occurring. More and more principals are being upfront about their schools' dark histories. They are working with victims to rebuild trust and create programs to prevent abuse. As well as mandatory reporting requirements, Victorian schools now risk being deregistered if they don't meet new standards aimed at stamping out abuse.
Today, Blenkiron has scrawled the words "mindfulness program for students" in blue pen. This is the first item on the group's agenda. The program will teach students at the two schools about healthy relationships, he says. It will help them identify and report unhealthy ones. "It's not just about having smiling faces on an app on your phone. It's about learning skills for life."
It has been three years since the day Blenkiron returned to St Pats. He remembers pacing back and forth in front of the imposing front gates. He didn't want to go inside. He was 53 but he felt like a child. He asked his psychologist if he needed permission to enter the school.
Students of St Alipius Parish School light candles to acknowledge child abuse within the Catholic Church. Photo: Simon O'Dwyer
"She said, if I asked and got knocked back it would be a huge setback."
So he stepped inside.
And all the feelings of shame, sadness, fear, and anger came rushing back.
The old St Alipius Boys School is now a kindergarten with ribbons tied to the fence to pay tribute to the victims and survivors of child abuse. Photo: Simon O'Dwyer
"It was like turning a blow torch on yourself."
A wooden honours board hangs in a corridor in St Pat's administration wing. It is there to celebrate "old boys" who became priests. But visitors might notice a strip of paper that has been plastered across it, near the bottom. If you peel it back, you will find the name in gold letters: Gerald Ridsdale.
Crowley covered the paedophile priest's name with the paper after sitting through two weeks of excruciating testimony at the royal commission. On it, he wrote: "name covered out of respect for victims and survivors pending further discussion."
School captains who wrote open letter supporting victims of child abuse. Photo: supplied
Crowley became principal at St Pat's at an uncomfortable time – just months before the royal commission turned its attention to the goldfields city. He wanted to open up and acknowledge that horrific abuse had occurred at the school.
He also needed to manage the school's reputation and reassure parents and students.
"There is nothing to be gained by pretending that this didn't happen or the extent to which this happened was less than it was," he says.
George Pell, right, and Gerald Ridsdale before a court appearance in 1993.
"We have an opportunity in Ballarat to acknowledge it, to own it and to try to heal."
But healing is hard.
Last year Crowley offended survivors after he took one of the school's most famous alumni on a tour of his old school just weeks before the royal commission hearings began in Ballarat. The school newsletter published photos of Crowley and Cardinal George Pell striding through the halls of St Pats. The media got hold of the photos. Crowley says he was new to the role, and naive. " I would greet any old boy and take them on a tour. I did not mean to cause offence and I understand the response."
Convicted paedophile Gerald Ridsdale.
But he is proud of the students who harnessed the media to get their message across. One day while the gruelling hearings were running, a group of teenage boys knocked on the door of Crowley's office. They wanted the survivors to know that today's students were thinking about them. "They wanted to send a strong message of support to students whose experience was so different to their own," Crowley says. So the school's 2015 captain and vice-captains wrote a letter that was published on the school's Facebook page and in the Ballarat Courier.
"It is truly impossible for us to fully comprehend the pain and grief that has fallen upon these individuals, and their siblings, peers, families and the broader community," it said.
"These crimes are something that should never be denied or excused."
Principal of St Patrick's College John Crowley (left) was new to the role and, he says, "naive" when he showed Cardinal George Pell around the school last year. Photo: supplied
This picture of Principal John Crowley escorting Cardinal George Pell around St Patrick's College in March 2015 was published in the school magazine's April edition. Photo: supplied
The true extent of those crimes will never be known. Many students never spoke about their experiences. Some ended their life early. Even those who gave evidence to the commission often did so on condition of anonymity. Some didn't even tell their families. But the number of schools hit by the allegations continue to grow. Yeshiva. Preshil?. Scotch College. Geelong Grammar. Xavier. There will be more.
At St Alipius Parish School, year 5 students are learning about body parts. Penis. Vagina. Breasts. The school's human sexuality program starts in prep, when students learn about personal space and relationships. It intensifies in grade 5 and 6.
Ballarat's St Patrick's college headmaster John Crowley with former student Peter Blenkiron. Blenkiron survived years of sexual abuse while a pupil at the Catholic school. Photo: Simon O'Dwyer
"If you need to go to a doctor, speak to your parents or a teacher about this part of your body because someone has touched you inappropriately, or you have hurt that part of your body, then these are the names you should use," Rice explains. They discuss slang words that draw sniggers in the playground like "boobs" and "dicks". Then they learn about "avoidance language" like "down there" or "private parts". This can be used to conceal abuse or sanitise reality. Language is vital to stamping out abuse, says Rice.
Back when the school occupied two sites, students at the St Alipius Boys School were subjected to the most horrific abuse. The commission has heard that in 1971 every male teacher at St Alipius Boys' School was molesting children. So was the chaplain. The old boys' school closed in 1976 and is now used as a community hall and a kindergarten.
Today, laughter and nursery rhymes waft through its corridors and purple and white daisies flower beneath its gothic features. Hundreds of colourful ribbons have been tied to its wire fence to pay tribute to the victims and survivors of abuse. Someone has fastened a printed sign to the fence. "THERE HAS BEEN TOO MUCH SILENCE!!!"
Peter Blenkiron as a child. Photo: Joe Armao JAA
There have been calls for the building to be bulldozed, says Rice. But some former students thought that would be a betrayal, an erasing of a painful history. "It wasn't the buildings that were abusive, it was the men in them."
Every day while the commission hearings are under way, a candle flickers in the sunny reception at St Alipius Parish School. It burns alongside a basket of ribbons, which students tie to the school fence to show their support for survivors. Every Friday, in the school's hall, students close their eyes and pray for the victims.
Teachers explain that in the past children haven't always been safe. And they pray that from now on, every child will be.
Peter Blenkiron. Photo: Eddie Jim
"We can't hide from the past," says Rice. "We recognise the past so that it never happens again."
Terse emails land in Rice's inbox whenever the school is mentioned in the royal commission. She always responds, and tells the senders they have every right to be angry. One parent removed their child from the school after discovering that a relative had been abused while at the original school that bore the St Alipius name. "I understand that," Rice says.
But words matter. Changing the school's name would be like "shoving the past under a carpet".
For Blenkiron, the journey is far from over. Often it's the small things.
The stained glass windows in his psychologist's clinic trigger memories of what happened to him in the school chapel. He is on medication for post-traumatic stress disorder. He gets a funny feeling in his gut when he drives past his old school.
"The memories are still in the body. It is beyond logic," he says.
He does not believe he will ever be "fixed". "But at least every moment is not like a war zone."
He chooses his words carefully.
"If this is as good as it gets, I can live with that."