| Second Alleged Victim Seeks Damages from Bishop and Catholic Church
By Giselle Wakatama
ABC News
February 12, 2016
PHOTO: A second alleged victim of a now dead Hunter Valley priest is seeking damages. (ABC News: Dan Cox)
Another woman, allegedly abused by a now dead Hunter Valley priest, has become the second alleged abuse survivor to seek damages from the estate of a late bishop and the Catholic church.
Earlier this week, the ABC revealed a woman known as LG was suing the Maitland-Newcastle Catholic Diocese and the estate of the late Bishop Leo Clarke for abuse she allegedly suffered as a five-year-old in the 1970s and 80s.
A special commission of inquiry heard her alleged abuser Denis McAlinden was a prolific paedophile priest.
The same inquiry found Bishop Clarke's inaction in relation to McAlinden was inexcusable.
The diocese rejects that the alleged abuse happened, and argues it had no supervisory role of McAlinden.
Now a second woman, known as MG, is also seeking damages from the same parties.
When asked about the case of LG, the diocese said it tried to avoid court action but a settlement offer was rejected.
Both women's cases are due in court on February 29.