| Church Helper Groomed Teenager for Underage Sex
Stoke Sentinel
February 3, 2016
Daniel Nicklin
CHURCH volunteer Daniel Nicklin has been locked up after grooming a teenage girl and then having sex with her.
The 28-year-old – who helps out at Hanley Baptist Church – took advantage of the youngster, who was under 16, and encouraged her to engage in sexual activity.
Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court heard 'intelligent' Nicklin asked for pictures of his victim and sent her images of his own body.
The abuse has 'ruined the childhood' of the victim, the court was told. Now Nicklin has been jailed for five years and placed on the Sex Offenders' Register for the rest of his life.
Judge Paul Glenn told the defendant: "You took advantage of her naivety. You groomed her and tried to make her feel that she let you down if she declined to participate in the activity you wanted.
"You asked her to send pictures of herself and you sent her pictures of your own body. Your offending was repetitive.
"Your family are very supportive. You are an intelligent young man and your work record is very good."
But he added: "The law is designed to protect children from those who take advantage of them and that is precisely what you did."
Nicklin denied five offences of sexual activity with a child and three charges of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.
But he was convicted of all eight offences following a trial.
Andrew Baker, mitigating, said the defendant, of Keele Road, Keele, still denies the offences.
Mr Baker said: "He is of previous exemplary character and is extremely gifted in his ability to help other individuals.
"He has obtained extremely good academic qualifications, including a Masters degree. He has put a huge amount into the community."