| What a Week! Ten Outreach Events in Five Days in Nine States!
By David Clohessy
February 1, 2016
On Sunday in Georgia, we leafletted a church about pedophile priests. (Thanks Barb!)
On Monday in California, we exposed public school officials who are putting young victims through legal hell even though their predator has been convicted AND in Georgia, we outed seven predator priests.
(Thanks Tim L, Melanie S, Tim S, Michael S and others.)
On Tuesday in Michigan, Florida and South Carolina, we did three separate outreach Greg, Phillip, Bill, David, Linda, Alan S & others!)
On Wednesday in Washington, we outed four child molesting clerics who Seattle Archbishop Peter Sartain kept off his predator priest list and helped with a survivors rally in New Mexico attended by more than 50 people. (Thanks Mary, Steve, John, Brian, Diana, John L, Louie, Lydia and others!)
On Thursday in Kansas, in two news conferences, we exposed Fr. Paul Hosler, who sexually exploited at least one vulnerable parishioner who turned to him for counseling. (Thanks Larry and Dave B!)
On Friday in Missouri, we blasted prosecutors for easing parole restrictions on a convicted Baptist deacon. (Thanks Stephanie, Tom, Robert and Jim!)
(If you can only read one of the links above, I suggest you look at the one about South Carolina headlined “SNAP pushing for public awareness.” It’s terrific.)
So thank to all who participated. Thanks to all who donated to finance the trips. Thanks to those behind the scenes who sent media advisories (Mary Ellen) and did research (Judy Jones) and helped, in the dead of winter, to make last week one of the most productive outreach weeks in SNAP’s recent history!