St. George’s victims and witnesses asked to contact investigator
By Neil Remiesiewicz
January 30, 2016
[with video]
NEWPORT, R.I. (WPRI) – The attorney conducting an independent investigation into allegations of sexual abuse at St. George’s School is asking all victims and witnesses to contact his investigative team.
Martin F. Murphy, who was retained by the school to conduct the investigation on January 20, provided updated information on the investigation Friday.
The investigation “will examine all matters relating to sexual abuse by faculty, staff or students at the St. George’s School and review the School’s responses to reports of alleged abuse from 1960 to the present,” Murphy wrote in a joint message with the school and SGS for Healing, which was posted online.
Anyone with any information on sexual abuse at the school can contact Murphy and his team of investigators either via email,, or by leaving a phone message at 617-521-5000.
Investigators will interview anyone who wishes to be interviewed and said that the School will pay for travel expenses for people who wished to be interviewed in Boston, although the school will not know who the person is unless the person wishes to be identified.
Murphy warned that since he is an independent investigator and not legal counsel for either the school or any individuals, communications between investigators and interviewees will not be protected by attorney-client privilege. However, the school and SGS for Healing have agreed that they will not seek to identify anyone who wishes to keep their communications with Murphy’s team confidential. The school also agreed that even those people with confidentiality agreements with the school is free to speak with investigators.
When the investigation is complete, Murphy will issue a report on his findings.
Allegations of abuse date back to the 1970s. Earlier this month, some of the 40 people who claim abuse at the school told their stories at a press conference in Boston.