| Trial Begins in Case of Former Priest Accused of Molesting Children in the 1980s
January 30, 2016
Mark Broussard
Former priest Mark Broussard appeared in court Monday morning for trial on molestation charges stemming from incidents in the 1980s.
Broussard was living in Duson when he was arrested in 2012 on rape and battery charges after a letter surfaced in late 2011, alleging that the former priest had sexually abused a Calcasieu Parish man as a child.
Broussard was a priest in Lake Charles during the 1980s at St. Henry Catholic Church. The victim who wrote the letter claimed most of the sexual abuse occurred in and around the church.
Broussard resigned from the priesthood in 1994, nearly 18 years before his arrest.
On Monday, prosecutors began opening statements, telling jurors that Broussard took advantage of young boys in the congregation who were too young and scared to tell anyone that they were being abused by a priest.
The alleged incidents happened more than 20 years ago, but prosecutors said it's not too late to have a trial.
"It's time now, it's time for the defendant to be accountable for his actions," said the prosecuting attorney to the jury. Adding, "He can no longer hide behind that collar."
Defense attorneys took the floor asking jurors to consider what Broussard is accused of, and what laws apply.
The defense said Broussard did not even know who the victim was when detectives arrested him, but that he did know his parents.
Following opening statements, the first witness called to the stand was Bishop Glen John Provost of the Lake Charles Diocese. Provost received the victim's letter in 2011 and reported the allegations to authorities.
The bishop testified that he is required to report all allegations to law enforcement under the 2002 Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. Provost became the bishop in Lake Charles in 2007.
Upon receiving the letter, Provost said he met with the alleged victim whom he said seemed convincing and credible.
The victim sought monetary compensation for counseling and treatment. The diocese settled on $125,000.
The defense questioned Provost on whether he knew the defendant prior to receiving the letter. Provost testified that he had no knowledge of the former priest until the allegations were brought to his attention.
Next on the stand was the alleged victim who wrote the 2011 letter accusing Broussard of raping him.
The victim testified that he was likely between eight and 10 years old at the time of the sexual abuse, and that he first came into contact with Broussard when he became a priest at St. Henry Catholic Church. The victim said he was an altar boy at the church and that his parents both sang at mass regularly.
The victim said Broussard bought him McDonald's the first time they met and began touching his leg as he ate.
From there, the victim said more sexual encounters progressed. The victim said on the stand that Broussard would come into the altar boys' changing room before mass and "fondle" him on top of and underneath his clothes.
The victim testified that Broussard abused him in the priests' room, confessionals and in the rectory at the church, forcing him to engage in oral sex and raping him a handful of times, from what he remembered.
The victim said Broussard told him that the sexual acts were "natural and normal" and they made him a "servant of God."
Monday afternoon, the defense began its cross-examination of the victim. Defense attorneys asked the victim about changes in his story and why certain memories were more vivid than others.
The victim was on the stand testifying for several hours before court finished for the day.
Court will resume Tuesday morning.