| Boys" Club "a Sitting Duck" for Child Sexual Abuse, Anglican Ex-priest and Paedophile Says
By Emilie Gramenz
ABC News
January 28, 2016
PHOTO: Louis Daniels tells the inquiry he had a suspicion a notorious Adelaide paedophile was abusing boys. (ABC News)
A disgraced former Anglican priest has told a child sexual abuse inquiry in Hobart that a poorly managed boys' club is a "sitting duck" for paedophiles, and that the church's culture encourages offending.
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is examining the Anglican Church and its youth group, the Church of England Boys Society (CEBS), at a public hearing in Hobart.
In particular, the commission is investigating the probability of a multi-state paedophile ring operating within CEBS between the 1960s and 1990s.
Ex-priest Louis Daniels, a convicted Tasmanian paedophile, was asked if he believed there was a culture that facilitated offending within CEBS.
He said the nature of CEBS's activities, including camps and tours with young boys, provided opportunity.
"A boys' society, unless it is very carefully managed, is a sitting duck, isn't it?" Daniels said.
He was also asked if there was a culture within the Anglican Church that encouraged offending.
"I think there is. I'm not sure I can define it," he said.
"Growing up in Tasmania in the church through those years, and then trying to come to terms with your sexuality was a bit of a torment."
He said he had no outlet for his sexuality due to Tasmania's laws.
Sex between consenting adult men was illegal in Tasmania until 1997.
Earlier, Daniels told the royal commission he recognised the characteristics of people like himself and suspected the activities of two other child abusers.
When Daniels was asked if he was suspicious of the activities of his friend Garth Hawkins, a former Devonport rector and a convicted offender, he replied, "yes".
"I guess the honest truth was, being aware of myself, I used to recognise characteristics of myself in people like him," he said.
The two knew each other from the mid-1970s, and Daniels was jailed for molesting 10 boys between 1973 and 1993.
Hawkins faced trial in 2003 for abusing seven teenage boys and was sentenced to seven and a half years in prison.
Daniels said Hawkins and he had been on youth camps with young boys together two or three times, and that he had taken groups of young boys a few times to stay at Hawkins' rectory.
The royal commission heard Daniels witnessed Hawkins serving young boys alcohol, which he thought was "a bit dubious".
Paedophile priests had 'an understanding'
Another survivor of sexual abuse at the hands of Tasmanian Anglican clergymen told the royal commission he believed there was a "fraternity" of paedophile church figures.
David Gould has given evidence that he was abused by four figures in the Tasmanian Diocese.
"I am convinced that the CEBS and priestly fraternity of paedophiles saw links, connections and trafficking of boys across diocesan and state boundaries," he said.
The commission heard evidence from convicted offender Garth Hawkins, who now goes by the name Robin Goodfellow.
He was questioned about the evidence of an abuse survivor, BYF, who told the hearing he had been violently abused by Hawkins one night in Triabunna after a fellow youth encouraged him to go into his bedroom.
That youth was Phillip Aspinall, now Anglican Archbishop of Brisbane.
Hawkins was asked how BYF came to be in his bed.
"He was cajoled, or teased, by Phillip Aspinall and the other boys into joining me in my bed," Hawkins replied, saying he thought that was what BYF had told him.
Hawkins was also questioned about his friendship with Daniels.
He said had been under the impression Daniels was sexually attracted to underage boys.
Hawkins said he thought Daniels was well aware that he was also a paedophile, and when asked if the two "had an understanding", he replied "yes".
When asked if the two of them had swapped victims or discussed which boys to approach, Hawkins said they had not.