Hobart inquiry to examine ‘culture’ of sexual abuse against boys
By Patrick Billings
January 27, 2016
A national inquiry into child sexual abuse is now sitting in Hobart. |
FORMER Governor-general Peter Hollingworth is expected to apologise to a child sex abuse victim during his appearance at a royal commission hearing in Hobart.
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is holding eight days of public hearings in Hobart starting today - watch it live.
The retired Anglican Bishop quit as Governor-general in 2003 amid a storm over his handling of the abuse case as bishop.
Counsel assisting the commission Naomi Sharp today said Dr Hollingworth would say the approach he took to paedophile priest John Elliot was “a serious error of judgment ... and it is anticipated he will apologise to (victim) BYB.”
Elliot was a leader in the Church of England boys society in Tasmania in the 1960s before moving to Queensland where he became a priest.
In 2002 he was convicted of about 30 child sex charges against seven boys.
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse heard that in 1972 Elliot organised for a boy to stay with Tasmanian paedophile priest Louis Daniels on a camping trip.
During this 1972 trip Daniels took the boy and his brother to the Burnie rectory where he and another man took turns raping the boy, the commission heard.
A letter from Dr Hollingworth in 1993 will be tendered to the commission where he states “no good purpose can be served” by having Elliot step down, the commission was told.
At the time Hollingworth was aware of the allegations against Elliot, the commission heard.
Elliot remained a rector in Queensland until his retirement in 1996 when he was awarded a licence to be a fill-in as a priest around the Diocese of Brisbane.
Commissioners Justice Jennifer Coate and Bob Atkinson are presiding over the hearing.
A FORMER Anglican bishop of Tasmania promoted a paedophile priest to Archdeacon of Burnie despite being told about his abuse of young boys, a royal commission has heard.
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is holding public hearings in Hobart today.
Counsel assisting Naomi Sharp’s opening address has given harrowing details of persistent sex abuse against young boys in Tasmania at the hands of Anglican priests during the 1970s and 1980s.
The commission is inquiring into abuse perpetrated by Anglican priests and other men involved in The Church of England Boys’ Society and how that institution responded when the abuse was revealed.
The society was a youth movement connected to the church, known for its camping trips.
Two former priests Louis Daniels and Garth Hawkins, both convicted paedophiles, are the main focus of the inquiry as it relates to Tasmania.
Ms Sharp said the commission would examine whether there was a “culture “ of facilitating sexual abuse against boys in the society.
The commission heard that one victim met with Bishop Philip Newell in 1987 to report his abuse at the hands of Daniels.
He met with Bishop Newell on two other occasions and was told Daniels was receiving counselling. There was no suggestion to report him to police.
Two years later Bishop Newell promoted Daniels to the position of Archdeacon of Burnie.
Daniels was later convicted of sexual offences against 10 boys.
Daniels and Hawkins are expected to give evidence, as are several victims of child sexual abuse.
Commissioners Justice Jennifer Coate and Bob Atkinson are presiding over the hearing.