Church in Florida denies Irish priest frozen out for warning about paedophile
By Greg Harkin
Irish Independent
January 26, 2016
Fr Gallagher saying Mass |
Sister Anne Monahan |
Fr Palimattom in custody |
VICTIMS of clerical sex abuse have staged a protest in Florida in support of an Irish priest who claims he was ostracised by the Catholic Church for calling police to arrest a paedophile cleric.
The march and protest at the Diocese of Palm Beach came after a spokeswoman for the church there finally issued a statement on the affair and denied a decision to move Fr John Gallagher was linked to the incident.
Tonight, Fr John Gallagher, from Co Tyrone, stood by his allegation that the Catholic Church was unhappy that he had called police before telling his Bishop about the actions of Fr Jose Palimattom.
The Indian-born cleric was arrested at the Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church in West Palm Beach in January last year after showing child porn images on his phone to a 14-year-old boy.
Fr Gallagher, who called detectives, alleged that a church official had told him to put Palimattom on a plane.
The Irish priest says he was later ostracized by the church, lost his parish and has been banned from saying Mass since.
His stance has been praised by victims of abuse.
David Pittman, from the organization the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), led yesterday’s demonstration outside Palm Beach Diocese headquarters.
“Fr Gallagher is the exception in these cases. As far as we are concerned he was doing God’s work when he called the cops. He did the right thing,” said Mr Pittman.
“We are calling on Florida law enforcement agencies to investigate whether Palm Beach Catholic officials may have concealed evidence, obstructed justice, intimidated victims, threatened witnesses or violated any laws in the Fr. Palimattom case, especially in light of credible accusations by Fr. John Gallagher that church officials urged him to put the admitted predator on a plane instead of calling police.
“SNAP also wants local Catholic officials to post these predators’ names on church websites.”
Last week, he said, Seattle Catholic Church officials posted 77 such names on their website.
The Palm Beach Post reported yesterday that Palimattom was deported from America last year after serving six months in prison.
Fr Gallagher says the Church has a duty to say where he is.
“He cannot be allowed to remain a priest and he cannot be allowed near children again,” said Fr Gallagher.
“I have received support from all around the world since the Irish Independent article was published on Monday. I am very grateful for that support.
“I have seen a statement from the Diocese and I reject it entirely. I am confident the truth will come out.”
Dianne Laubert, the head of communications at Palm Beach Diocese, has still not responded to a number of specific questions put to her on a number of occasions by the Irish Independent over the past week.
In a statement issued to local media in Florida however she said Fr Gallagher’s allegations were “completely inaccurate representation of the facts”.
She said the diocese had released a statement after Fr Palimattom’s arrest last January in which it had urged victims to contact the church and police.
“As for the other allegations which the article reports were made by Father John Gallagher, the Diocese of Palm Beach deems them to be a completely inaccurate reflection of the facts. Father Gallagher’s reassignment was not related to the incident with the visiting priest,” she said.