‘Spotlight’ shows people need to be ready for the truth
By Douglas Todd
Vancouver Sun
January 23, 2016
Pervasive resistance to the Catholic Church exposé on sex abuse leads one of Spotlight's investigative reporters (played by Mark Ruffalo, centre) to finally burst: "They control everything! Everything!" |
Retired Vancouver archbishop Adam Exner created a complaints process that supported abuse victims in going to police. |
My unpleasant but necessary journalistic foray into sex abuse and cover-up began in 1989 when I travelled to Williams to cover the residential-school case of Father Harold McIntee. |
People have to be ready for the truth before it can be revealed.
That’s a theme of the riveting, award-winning movie, Spotlight, which recounts how the Boston Globe newspaper laid bare an ecclesiastical and political coverup of rampant pedophilia by more than 87 Roman Catholic priests and brothers.
After years of Boston Globe staff ignoring clergy abuse cases, the newspaper’s investigative team, called Spotlight, broke its explosive story in 2002. It led to the resignation of Cardinal Bernard Law and helped elevate clergy abuse into an international issue, which continues to reverberate.
The Canadian media, however, produced many stories about widespread sexual abuse by Catholic priests and brothers much earlier than the Boston Globe. The spate of Canadian articles began in 1989 with Newfoundland’s Mount Cashel Orphanage scandal, first reported by The Sunday Express under publisher Michael Harris.
That was 12 years before the Boston exposé. Nevertheless, the historical timeline of 20th-century Catholic abuse that is on the Spotlight film’s website contains no mention of the mass abuse of Mount Cashel orphans (which powerfully impacted two Metro Vancouver Catholic schools) or scores of other Canadian cases.
It appears most Canadians were ready, before most Americans, to admit to the horrible truth of Catholic clergy pedophilia. By the time the Boston exposé was published, the Canadian media had run thousands of articles about molesting clergy.
The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, under the direction of retired Vancouver archbishop Adam Exner, had also responded to the debacle as early as the mid-1990s – by creating a complaints process that supported abuse victims in going to police.
That kind of protocol was not in place in 2002 in the U.S., and especially in Boston, where Catholics dominated culture, politics, business, philanthropy, high society, the police and even the judiciary.
Almost every city has a powerful elite that operates behind the scenes to sway regional affairs. In Boston, it was the Catholic establishment, which did everything it could to keep a lid on decades of the clergy’s destructive behaviour.
At one point in Spotlight the Boston Globe’s publisher cautions his staff against running the clergy abuse investigation by warning that 53 per cent of the newspaper’s readers are Catholic.
Such pervasive resistance to the Catholic Church exposé leads one of Spotlight’s investigative reporters (played by Mark Ruffalo) to finally burst: “They control everything! Everything!”
Even though the Canadian census says 43 per cent of Canadians have an affiliation with the Catholic Church, Canadian courts, governments and journalists have been less hesitant than most Americans to wade assertively into church sex-abuse cases.
I wrote a story in 1993 that calculated the Canadian media had by then reported on more than 100 Canadian Catholic priests and brothers who had been charged or convicted of sex crimes.
It’s hard to know why Canadians were more ready to recognize the appalling truth.
It may have grown out of the way Canadians are, in some ways, less deferential than Americans to Catholic leaders, more questioning of authority in general, more frank about homosexuality and more willing to deal with the shame associated with sexual abuse.
Many brave people also deserve credit, especially the outspoken survivors of abuse. But credit also goes to some intrepid police officers (including B.C.’s Bob Grinstead), some dogged journalists and some bold prosecutors and public officials, and in the end, some integrity-filled Catholic leaders.
Watching Spotlight brought back the pain, sadness and anger that I and many other Canadian (and U.S.) journalists often felt as we were drawn into the sex abuse scandals simmering in the Catholic Church, including at church-run aboriginal residential schools.
(It should not be overlooked that the Canadian public’s relative willingness to tackle child sex abuse soon extended to perpetrators in mainline Protestant and evangelical churches and New Age groups, not to mention to Boy Scout leaders, sports coaches and teachers in private and public schools.)
My unpleasant but necessary journalistic foray into the sometimes-nasty world of sex abuse and coverup really began in 1989.
That was the year I travelled to Williams Lake for The Vancouver Sun to cover the incendiary case against Father Harold McIntee, who was charged with abusing 17 boys while working at Joseph’s residential school.
It was the same year the Mount Cashel outrage exploded, in the end involving 90 boys. I soon discovered six members of the Christian Brothers order who had been accused or convicted of crimes at Mount Cashel had been transferred to two Metro Vancouver Catholic schools; St. Thomas More Collegiate in Burnaby and Vancouver College.
B.C. turned out to be a hotbed for Catholic clergy abuse. I wrote more than 150 stories over more than a decade about charged or convicted priests and brothers in B.C.: Len Doughty, Edward English, Kevin Short, John Monaghan, David Burton, Douglas Kenny, Bishop Hubert O’Connor, et cetera.
With Catholics comprising roughly one in five British Columbians, the church hierarchy did not make reporters’ jobs easy. Pressure to back off came from church officials, Catholic lawyers and even journalists sympathetic to the church. At times I felt intimidated, albeit never threatened.
Things became especially tense in the late 1990s when lawyers for the victims at Mount Cashel sought compensation through the sale of St. Thomas More Collegiate and Vancouver College, which were also operated by the Christian Brothers.
I ended up in countless journalistic showdowns with Catholic officials, particularly the archdiocese’s media spokesman John Nixon (we continue to have a respectful relationship).
Similar to the way the Boston establishment did everything possible to protect the reputation of the centuries-old church and its cardinal, the worry emerged that B.C.’s political and business establishments were in some sort of cahoots to protect the Catholic Church.
That especially seemed so in 2002, when B.C.’s Liberal attorney general, Geoff Plant, legally intervened to protect Metro Vancouver’s Catholic schools from liquidation. It led to Plant being accused of abusing his power and serving as “the handmaid” of politically influential B.C. Catholics.
Canada’s courts, however, overruled Plant’s intervention. And, after years of court hearings, the gut-wrenching case concluded with Metro’s two Vancouver’s Catholic colleges avoiding liquidation by finding other ways to pay Mount Cashel’s victims $19 million in compensation.
Spotlight, the movie, tells an important tale of malfeasance and coverup.
One danger with its dramatic retelling, however, is that it could leave many viewers with the misleading impression the Catholic Church is singularly diabolical in concealing wrongdoing.
Even though many people love to hate the Catholic Church, it would be hypocritical for anyone to gloat with satisfaction after viewing Spotlight – to pretend that other institutions in our society are clean, off the hook.
Cover-ups occur in all four pillars of society: Business, education, government and even, dare we admit, the fourth estate, the media. The quest for truth and institutional transparency constantly falls short, especially when the public finds it easier, as it did in Boston, to live in denial.
In this era of routine secret deals, “confidentiality agreements,” backroom political donations, untraceable phone calls and kickbacks, one does not have to look hard for signs that the Catholic Church is by no means the only institution that has grown adept at the art of circling the wagons.
Contact: dtodd@postmedia.com