| Outrage over Video Showing Catholic Priest Violently Shaking the Heads of Young Children and Even Kicking One As They Lined up for Their First Communion
By Gerard Couzens and Gianluca Mezzofiore
Daily Mail
January 22, 2016
[with video]
A priest yanks hard on children's hair and kicks one up the backside as he tries to avoid him in this astonishing video filmed inside a Brazilian church.
The images have caused controversy throughout south America where the footage is going viral.
The youngsters are said to have been preparing for their First Communion and the unnamed holy man was reported to have been giving them an unorthodox blessing.
The unnamed priest grabs each child by the hair as they parade past him at the altar and pulls their head from side to side
The unnamed priest grabs each child by the hair as they parade past him at the altar and pulls their head from side to side
One of the youngsters in the line-up covers his hair with his hands to avoid the bizarre treatment
He grabs each child by the hair as they parade past him at the altar and pulls their head from side to side.
One of the youngsters in the line-up covers his hair with his hands to avoid the bizarre treatment.
Another infant crawls underneath him on the floor when her turn comes round, but still gets a kick up the bottom as she is on the floor.
An adult mixed in with the children is left alone when she walks past the priest - and doesn't appear to offer any protest at the treatment he is meting out.
He pushed one of the youngsters so hard after yanking his hair from side to side, he fell to the floor.
None of the adults inside the church, including the priest's helpers, did anything to intervene.
One social media user claimed today the holyman had a smile on his face and was joking with the kids.
But most said his treatment of the children was so violent there was no way it could be a joke.
The church where the footage was filmed on a mobile phone has not been named.
Churchgoer Sandrinha Antelo said: 'I wouldn't put my son in that queue. Faith is one thing, abuse is another.'
Marco Pereira added: 'This is the type of priest that is putting the Catholic Church under the spotlight.
'You can see he is hitting the children.
He pushed one of the youngsters so hard after yanking his hair from side to side, he fell to the floor
He pushed one of the youngsters so hard after yanking his hair from side to side, he fell to the floor
Another infant crawls underneath him on the floor when her turn comes round, but still gets a kick up the bottom as she is on the floor
'I think the best way of teaching a child is by talking to him and leading by example. I hope this video reaches the Vatican and that they remove this man.'
Another Facebook user said: 'A bigger priest should have done the same thing to the parents of these children so they get to feel what it's like when a stranger who is supposed to be teaching them the love of God, shakes their head from side to side and hits them on the back.
'You've got to be stupid to let a man disguised as a priest do this to youngsters.'
Last month a priest came under fire in Mexico for humiliating a teenage churchgoer for not confessing ahead of a mass to mark her 15th birthday.
One social media user claimed the holyman had a smile on his face and was joking with the kids.
One social media user claimed the holyman had a smile on his face and was joking with the kids.
Controversial Manuel Chuc yanked on the girl's nose and tried to pull out her false eyelashes while he gave her a tongue-lashing in front of her family and friends.
Marisela Balam Puc, who comes from an indigenous family of Mayan descent, had dressed up for her landmark birthday which in south America is celebrated as the transition from childhood to young womanhood.
But it was ruined by the zealous hoiyman, who finished his scolding session by giving the teenager a light slap round the face.
The footage, taken in a church in Tahdziu, Yucatan, soth east Mexico, also went viral.