| ‘spotlight’ Editor : Local Media Must Continue to Fight for Journalism
By Lisa Broadt
January 21, 2016
Washington Post editor Marty Baron (right) answered questions about the journalism industry from Treasure Coast Newspapers editor Mark Tomasik on Wednesday at Temple Beit HaYam in Stuart. Baron was editor at The Boston Globe during a 2003 Pulitzer Prize winning investigation depicted in the movie “Spotlight.” “I hope it causes the public to reflect on the necessity of investigative journalism,” Baron said. To see more photos, visit TCPalm.com. (LEAH VOSS/TREASURE COAST NEWSPAPERS)
During an era of sweeping changes, and in the face of increasing government resistance, local media must continue to fight for journalism, Washington Post Editor Marty Baron said Wednesday at Temple Beit HaYam.
Baron — one of the journalists portrayed in the Oscar-nominated film "Spotlight" — addressed more than 500 attendees during a 90-minute question-and-answer session that touched on issues including democracy and freedom of the press, and Baron's newfound "celebrity journalist" status.
The event was moderated by Treasure Coast Newspapers Editor Mark Tomasik and included questions submitted by the audience, several of which touched on the status of Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian, who on Saturday was freed from an Iranian prison after more than a year of confinement.
Rezaian, the Post's Tehran bureau chief, last year was convicted of espionage in a closed-door trial, and while Post reporters and editors brought attention to Rezaian's case and consistently advocated for his release, there was a real concern that he "could be in jail for many years," according to Baron.
The reunion between Rezaian and his family and Washington Post editors on Monday was emotional but happy, according to Baron.
"We hadn't seen him in a long time. He'd lost some weight and looked extremely tired, but it was a very joyful moment. We spent several hours with him and mostly just let him talk. We weren't going to grill him," said Baron about Saturday's reunion in Germany. "I've taken a lot of trips in my life, but this was the best."
Several questions from the audience pertained to "Spotlight," a film that portrays how The Boston Globe — under Baron's leadership — investigated and reported widespread sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.
Baron said he was pleased with the execution of the movie — the filmmakers were meticulous in their research — and with its potential to bring greater awareness to the importance of quality journalism.
"I hope it causes the public to reflect on the importance of investigative journalism and what it takes to do it right," Baron said. "I hope it encourages everybody — journalists and others — to listen to the voices of people who have been pushed to the margins of society because they have a lot to say."
Asked about the media's coverage of the upcoming presidential elections, Baron warned against lumping all media outlets together.
"Different outlets cover the elections differently. It's like generalizing about all doctors or all lawyers," he said.
Though Baron has not been in Stuart for many years, he's well acquainted with the community: He began his career here as the Miami Herald's Martin County reporter.
Since then, Baron has held top positions with the Herald, Los Angeles Times, The New York Times and The Boston Globe, helping his newsrooms win multiple Pulitzer Prizes.
His visit was organized by Jerome and Phyllis Rappaport — Sewall's Point residents and friends of Baron — and is intended to be the first in an ongoing speakers series.