From overseas
From other parts of the country although every Diocese is experiencing similar issues so this is unlikely
Allocate more work to lay people allowing Priests to concentrate on liturgical tasks. This could be done in different ways:
Volunteer recruitment: This will be difficult as there is a lot of competition for volunteers from charities, sporting and community organisations. The amount of time allocated to volunteerism has also reduced in society over recent years
Remunerated work: Likely to be possible to recruit lay people to assist assuming that the remuneration is deemed sufficient. However, this would have a financial impact due to the cost of wages and training.
Make it increasingly attractive for Priests who are over age 75 to remain involved in some capacity.
One impact of the reduced number of priests will be a reduced number of Sunday Masses available in the diocese. The mumber of masses would need to reduce from the current 836 to 331 to avoid increasing workload for the remaining priests.
Again the report puts forward some suggestions about how to achieve this but adds “The optimal solution is probably a combination of reduced masses and combined parishes and you will need to discuss this as a group to determine the appropriate balance.”
It concludes by saying that the next steps are;
Priests Council to discuss this report in detail and understand the results of the analysis.
Priests Council to ensure they understand the sensitivities of the analysis to the assumptions used.
Priests Council to assess the options they wish to pursue to deal with the issues identified
Once this process has advanced, you may wish to look at:
Carrying out a financial analysis to determine the implications of various options
Carry out further analysis to determine the results based on alternative assumptions
Suggest re-running the projections in 3 years with refined assumptions (based on experience and additional data collected) to assess progress versus expected and the likely future projection given experience since the last review. Given that the projection model and process have been set up, subsequent reviews are easier to carry out
Collect additional data to assist in ongoing analysis of the evolving position – suggestions for additional data is set out on the following slide
Continue to consider options in light of the evolving conditions