Archbishop: Reports of past job 'misleading'
By Jennifer Bowman
Battle Creek Enquirer
January 17, 2016
St. Philip Catholic Church on Sunday morning. Photo by Stephanie Parshall |
Former St. Paul-Minneapolis Archbishop John Nienstedt. Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Nienstedt after prosecutors charged the archdiocese with having failed to protect children from unspeakable harm from a pedophile priest. In January 2016, the Diocese of Kalamazoo gave Nienstedt a temporary assignment with St. Phillip Catholic Church in Battle Creek. |
The controversial retired priest who is volunteering at St. Philip Catholic Church told parishioners that news media last week reported "misleading information" about him and "those who know me well would verify that I would not act in those ways suggested."
"Personally, I believe that some critics did not like the strong stance that I was forced to take in defense of Catholic teachings," John Nienstedt said, "particularly the traditional definition of marriage, and I think they would like to punish me for those stands."
His statement received an applause from some parishioners Sunday morning.
Nienstedt, former archbishop of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis from 2008 until last year, is temporarily helping out at St. Philip as the Rev. John Fleckenstein deals with health issues. He addressed the media coverage as he led Mass on Sunday, telling parishioners he hoped the reports would not "jeopardize" his relationship with them and that he became a priest "to help, not hurt people."
Nienstedt resigned from his Minnesota post 10 days after the Twin Cities archdiocese was criminally charged for its leaders' handling of allegations of sexual abuse by its priests. One, Curtis Wehmeyer, pleaded guilty to sexually abusing two boys and possessing child pornography; he's serving a five-year prison sentence.
The scandal has been reported by multiple news outlets, including Minnesota Public Radio, Minnesota Star Tribune and the New York Times.
A Minnesota Public Radio investigation found Nienstedt "authorized secret payments to priests who had sexually abused children, did not report alleged sex crimes to police and failed to warn parishioners" about Wehmeyer's "sexual misconduct."
Nienstedt himself has never been formally charged and he has denied other allegations made against him.
The New York Times reported in June 2015 that a boy told police the archbishop touched his buttocks while posing for a photographer after his confirmation ceremony. No charges were filed after an investigation, according to the report.
The newspaper also reported the archdiocese once announced it had received claims that Nienstedt was involved in a series of sexual relationships with men, including seminarians and priests. Nienstedt denied the allegations, saying at the time they were "absolutely and entirely false," according to a CNN report.
Nienstedt is expected to assist at St. Philip for about six months, according to a bulletin last week from Fleckenstein. Niendstedt's arrival was announced to parishioners in a Jan. 10 bulletin, without mention of the allegations or the controversy in Minnesota.
The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, or SNAP, contacted local news media this week regarding Nienstedt's arrival.
Nienstedt offered a different explanation for his resignation Sunday.
"I resigned as archbishop in order for the local church to have a new beginning as they come out of bankruptcy and not because of something I had done wrong," he told parishioners.
The Star Tribune reported a month after Nienstedt's resignation that the church had earlier that year "filed bankruptcy to help deal with the mounting financial toll" of dozens of cases of alleged sexual abuse by priests.
His arrival has been met with opposition from some, including parishioner Samantha Pearl, who penned a guest column in the Enquirer this weekend. She called for the removal of Nienstedt from ministry in the Diocese of Kalamazoo.
"As a victim of a child sex predator, I am infuriated at your ignorant and irresponsible behavior," she wrote in the letter to the Rev. Paul Bradley, bishop for the Diocese of Kalamazoo. "Victims of sex abuse suffer a pattern of abuse after the sexual abuse, perpetrated by our parents and pastoral leadership, including the inherent message that we will not be protected, that the crime is not heinous, that the rights and reputation of the perpetrator take precedence over the rights and protection of the victim. You will not silently perpetrate the continuation of these crimes in my parish. I am deeply grieved by the leadership of the Diocese and the need to speak publicly given the lack of integrity and Godly leadership shown by you, by the Diocese, and by the pastor in my parish."
Brenda Hunt, head of the Battle Creek Community Foundation and a church parishioner, said "this is inappropriate and a debate and a risk we don't need to take in our community for our children."
"We had Monsignor (William) Fitzgerald and several people in the community cared for him up and until almost the point of his passing," she told the Enquirer last week. "So if we have lay persons that can come forward to take care of a monsignor when he's very, very ill, I believe the church has overlooked, the diocese has overlooked the concept of what the lay persons may be able to do in this community. I also believe it goes beyond just the parishioners and just Catholics. This is a bigger community issue and I believe there are people in this community that would respond to assist St. Philip Catholic Church, not even put this debate out there, and still be able to stabilize St. Philip while our good priest Father John is seeking treatment."
Monsignor Michael Osborn, vicar general at the Diocese of Kalamazoo, sent a letter Friday to parents of St. Joseph students, saying the archbishop is not scheduled "for any interaction or involvement with our schools." Nienstedt also met stringent requirements to remain a "priest in good standing," the letter said.
"We regret that this important information was not more widely distributed, as was originally intended," Osborn said in the letter. "Together let us pray that reason and charity prevail."
Indeed, Nienstedt has been a vocal opponent of same-sex marriage, supporting in 2012 an unsuccessful ban proposal in Minnesota. He also ordered an end to a gay pride pray service at a Minneapolis church while he was archbishop, according to the Star Tribune.