| Scandal-plagued Archbishop at St. Philip
By Safiya Merchant
Battle Creek Enquirer
January 14, 2016
The Rev. John Fleckenstein, pastor of St. Philip Catholic Church, is getting temporary help from an archbishop emeritus who left the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis amid reports that its leaders failed to adequately deal with priests accused of sexual misconduct.
An archbishop emeritus who left the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis amid reports that its leaders failed to adequately deal with priests accused of sexual misconduct is now temporarily helping out at St. Philip Catholic Church in Battle Creek.
John Nienstedt served as the archbishop of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis from 2008 to 2015.
A Minnesota Public Radio investigation alleged leaders of that archdiocese have been "reassigning, excusing and overlooking sexually abusive priests among their ranks" for decades.
During Nienstedt's tenure at the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, he had "authorized secret payments to priests who had sexually abused children, did not report alleged sex crimes to police and failed to warn parishioners" about the "sexual misconduct" of former St. Paul priest Curtis Wehmeyer, who was sentenced to prison for sexually abusing two boys and possessing child pornography, the Minnesota Public Radio investigation found.
During his time in Minnesota, authorities began a criminal investigation "into a claim that Nienstedt had touched a boy inappropriately" but the Catholic leader was never criminally charged, according to Minnesota Public Radio reports.
Nienstedt stepped down from his post as archbishop of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis last summer, according to media reports.
According to a December report from Minnesota Public Radio, the archdiocese is facing criminal charges "for its 'role in failing to protect children and contribution to the unspeakable harm' done to three sexual abuse victims of Wehmeyer."
According to an email sent by Diocese of Kalamazoo spokeswoman Victoria Cessna, Nienstedt has retired from the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis and has "volunteered to assist temporarily the pastor of St. Philip Parish in Battle Creek in light of the pastor's ongoing serious health challenges."
"Archbishop Emeritus Nienstedt took up temporary residence in Battle Creek on January 6, 2016," according to the email.
The Diocese has also released a statement in response to "recent inquiries:"
"The Diocese of Kalamazoo is committed to providing safe environments for all people," the statement reads. "As is the case for any priest or bishop ministering in the Diocese, Archbishop Emeritus Nienstedt begins his temporary ministry at St. Philip Parish as a priest in good standing, having met the Church’s stringent standards required to attain that status. As such he is welcome in the Diocese of Kalamazoo for the several months that he will be available to offer supplemental sacramental ministry to the people of St. Philip Parish."
In a St. Philip Roman Catholic Church bulletin dated Jan. 10, Rev. John Fleckenstein, who is experiencing health issues, wrote "over the next few months I envision times that I will need assistance either for health reasons or that I may complete a couple of major projects for the Diocese in my role as Episcopal Vicar for Education."
"Thus, I will have some help for the next six months or so," Fleckenstein wrote.
The Battle Creek priest said Nienstedt will be joining the St. Philip parish to "assist in various pastoral ministries during this time," including celebrating some weekend and weekday Masses, visiting hospital patients and the "sick and homebound" and celebrating Mass for nursing homes and assisted living facilities, according to the bulletin.
"While the Archbishop is not 'assigned' to the parish, I’m grateful he will assist us in these next few months," Fleckenstein said in the bulletin.
Fleckenstein then went on to list Nienstedt's prior experience, but did not mention any of the legal controversies that erupted during Nienstedt's time as the archbishop of Minneapolis/St. Paul.
"After about six months, (Nienstedt) anticipates moving on to a new ministry," Fleckenstein said. "If people need to reach him, he will maintain an office in the Seton Center (the one next to the Liturgy office) until his departure in the Summer. He will reside at St. Clare House at St. Joseph’s, but will have a temporary office in the Seton Center."
In his bulletin, Fleckenstein said he has known Nienstedt for about 20 years, since Nienstedt was pastor of what is now known as the National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica in Royal Oak.
On Thursday, a St. Philip staff member told the Enquirer that Fleckenstein was out of town at the Mayo Clinic and that inquiries on the subject should be directed to the Diocese of Kalamazoo.
David Clohessy, the director for the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests,said Thursday his group's position on Nienstedt's temporary role at St. Philip is very simple.
"It boils down to four words: Why take the risk?" Clohessy said. "...Why give him more opportunities to be around young, trusting Catholics and hurt them and betray their families?"
"...Because in essence what's happening here is what's been happening for centuries in the church," Clohessy said. "And that is you've got an accused wrongdoer, you quietly move him out of state, and put him right back in a position where he may hurt others again."