Range author tackles controversial topic
By Tony Potter
Hibbing Daily Tribune
January 3, 2016
HOYT LAKES — An author with Iron Range connections has published his fourth book.
Jim Koepke, who grew up in Hoyt Lakes, has released the novel “Confessions of a Priest.” It mirrors the sexual abuse crisis and situation that occurred recently at the St. Paul Archdiocese.
The story begins with a local parish priest confronting his bishop about his handling of someone accused of sexual abuse. Although he had nothing to do with it, the parish priest’s life is turned upside down as he needs to cope with the turmoil caused by the occurrence.
“The book is not a hit piece on the church or priests,” Koepke said. “In fact, I have an extremely positive review written by a Catholic priest as my story details how to embrace a negative situation and focus on making something positive come out of it.”
The reason he wrote the book was because there had been so much press about sexual abuse in the Catholic church during the last several years.
“I wanted to offer a competing view,” Koepke said. “That of an average priest who is truly a man of God and has done nothing wrong. In this story, a priest has remained true to his vows but is affected by those who have done wrong. He has to clean up the mess others have made.”
The book is sure to appeal to Catholics, as well as anyone else who’s familiar with the topic.
“The story parallels actual current events in the Catholic church,” Koepke said. “I have had the book reviewed by non-Catholics who have told me the book left a good feeling about Catholic priests, which is exactly what I had hoped for. Also, the person who provides comfort and support to the priest in my book is a Lutheran minister, which a lot of people, Catholic or not, feel good about.”
And Rangers always seem to enjoy reading books written by fellow Rangers.
“The people in my book are typical of the Range,” Koepke said. “My characters are people of deep faith. The people I write about are hard-working, no-nonsense people — just like the typical Ranger.”
Currently residing in Bloomington, Minn., he said he mostly writes as an outlet to express himself through.
“I needed a way to express myself and couldn’t draw or sing,” he said. “I try to make my books an easy read. I want readers to feel like they are having a conversation with a friend when they read my books. Life is demanding enough these days without making plot lines so complicated that a reader has to struggle to get through a book.”
Readers can expect the book to be a positive, intriguing read.
“The topic of sexual abuse is crushing,” Koepke said. “While others may wring their hands when faced with such a crisis, this story shows how one Catholic priest confronts the issue head-on and works tirelessly to make something positive out of an awful situation. His attitude is upbeat no matter how many setbacks he has.”
Contact: tpotter@hibbingdailytribune.net