| Former Springfield Bishop Ryan Dies at 85
By Steven Spearie
Springfield Journal-Register
January 1, 2016
Most Reverend Daniel Ryan, who served as bishop of the Springfield Catholic Diocese for 15 years but abruptly resigned in 1999, died Thursday in Naperville. He was 85.
Ryan died at Sunrise of Naperville North, an assisted living facility, said a source in the Springfield diocese who didn't want to go on the record. Ryan, who was bishop emeritus of the diocese, had been under hospice care.
His death was confirmed by several sources, including by Marlene Mulford, a spokeswoman for the Springfield diocese.
An independent investigative report in 2006 stated that Ryan fostered "a culture of secrecy" in the diocese that discouraged priests from coming forward with information about sexual misconduct by other priests in the diocese, which covers 28 counties in central Illinois. Personally plagued by sexual abuse allegations, some masses that Ryan celebrated around the diocese were picketed, though Ryan was never charged or prosecuted.
The 2006 report, authored by Springfield attorney and former state's attorney and federal attorney Bill Roberts, said Ryan "engaged in sexual misconduct with adults and used his authority to conceal this misconduct."
That report was put into motion by Ryan's successor, Bishop George Lucas, who is now the archbishop of the Omaha, Nebraska, diocese.
Ryan continued to serve in an official capacity as as "co-consecrator" to an auxiliary bishop in the Joliet Diocese, where he served as chancellor, vicar general and auxiliary bishop before being named to replace Bishop Joseph A. McNicholas as bishop in Springfield in 1983. Ryan later suspended his public duties in 2004.
In 1986, Ryan, a native of Mankato, Minnesota, publicly acknowledged his treatment for alcoholism.
In a statement released by the Springfield diocese that was mostly biographical and didn't mention the controversy surrounding Ryan, current Springfield diocese bishop Thomas John Paprocki said "we commend (Ryan) to the mercy of God."
Some remembered his pastoral approach and affability. Donning an apron, Ryan served dinners to the homeless on Thanksgiving and Christmas at St. John's Breadline.
There were no immediate plans for a funeral Mass. Ryan donated his body to science, a source confirmed.
Ryan briefly attended Cathedral Boys High School (later Griffin High School and now Sacred Heart Griffin High School) before entering the Passionist Prepartory Seminary in St. Louis.
He attended St. Procopius Seminary in Lisle, where he earned a bachelor of arts degree. Ryan was ordained a priest in 1956.
Ryan completed his postgraduate studies at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome, where he earned a license in canon, or church, law.
Ryan served in several parishes in the Joliet diocese before serving in a number of administrative roles.
He was installed as Springfield's seventh bishop in early 1984.