Historical Child Abuse Inquiry
December 23, 2015
[with pdf]
The Chair of the Historical Child Abuse Inquiry Scotland has announced two key dates in the work of the Inquiry. The Inquiry’s Terms of Reference covers that period which is within living memory of any person who suffered such abuse up until such date as the Chair may determine but not beyond 17 December 2014.
Ms Susan O’Brien QC has now confirmed that for a person who suffered abuse to give their account to the Inquiry of their experience of abuse, its impact and the effect on their family, the abuse must have taken place no later than 17 December 2014.
Since it was formally established in October, the Inquiry has engaged with a range of organisations with an interest in the work of the Inquiry to listen to their suggestions as to how the Inquiry should approach its work.
The Chair has indicated that the Inquiry wishes to engage with as many groups as possible to understand their views on how the Inquiry should proceed, with interested parties having until 31 January 2016 to make their views known.
Marking these dates, Ms O’Brien QC said: “We are developing procedures to take the evidence of survivors, as it is likely that many individuals will apply to give us their testimony.