| Phila. Archdiocese Removes Priest - Again
By Laura McCrystal
December 21, 2015
An Archdiocese of Philadelphia priest who had been temporarily removed in the wake of the sweeping 2011 investigation into clergy sex abuse then reinstated has again been removed from active ministry.
The Rev. Steven Harris, most recently the pastor of St. Bridget Church in East Falls, has been put on administrative leave by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput.
The Rev. Steven Harris, most recently the pastor of St. Bridget Church in East Falls.
"The Archdiocese was made aware of possible concerns regarding his suitability for ministry at this time," said an announcement posted on the parish's Facebook page.
The reason for Harris' current leave of absence was not immediately clear Monday. The issues are a personnel matter, said Kenneth A. Gavin, a spokesman for the archdiocese, and "do not relate to any accusations of criminal activity."
Harris was among more than two dozen parish priests removed from ministry in 2011 while the church re-examined past claims of clergy sex abuse or misconduct involving children.
Harris, pastor of St. Isaac Jogues Church in the Chesterbrook section of Wayne from 2009 to 2011, was one reinstated to active ministry in 2012, after the archdiocese said a team of church investigators had found the past allegations against him to be unsubstantiated.
Harris was ordained in 1980 and previously taught at Cardinal O'Hara High School in Delaware County and at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary.
Following his reinstatement, Harris worked for the Office of the the Metropolitan Tribunal and Chancery Office, and was named pastor of St. Bridget's in June.
Parishioners at St. Bridget's learned of Harris' leave during weekend masses.
The Rev. Stephen DeLacy, director of vocations for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, said Monday that he has been named administrator of St. Bridget's, "at least to get the parish through the holidays."
DeLacy said he lives in the rectory at St. Bridget's, but does not usually spend much time with parishioners. He described the parish as "such a great community," and referred further comment to the archdiocese.
Harris was still listed Monday as St. Bridget's pastor on websites of both the archdiocese and the parish.
Gavin said Harris will remain on leave "while the matter is thoroughly reviewed."
Contact: lmccrystal@phillynews.com