| Church in Controversial Legal Tactic to Block Lawsuits
By Chris Vedelago
Sydney Morning Herald
December 19, 2015
The Catholic Church avoided paying up to $62 million in compensation to sexual abuse victims by creating the Melbourne Response. Photo: Angela Wylie
The Catholic Church attempted for nearly a decade to conceal incriminating documents about child sex abuse using a controversial legal tactic that it has since renounced as "inappropriate".
The bid to manipulate "legal privilege" to keep its records from public disclosure was one in a series of controversial measures taken to protect the reputation and assets of the church after complaints about paedophile priests began "coming out of the woodwork" in the 1980s.
Internal documents show the Australian Catholics Bishops Conference – a panel comprising the church's senior leaders in Australia – was warned in April 1988 that church records were vulnerable to discovery and public disclosure in the event of civil lawsuits by alleged victims.
The problem would be summarised by Bishop Peter Connors as "too many people are keeping too many records" in 1992, according to a document obtained by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
The records at risk of exposure included the findings of internal investigations, interviews with alleged offenders, and correspondence among church officials and insurance underwriters about the cases.
In response to the threat, the church's designated expert on clergy and child sex abuse proposed using legal privilege – which protects communication between lawyers and clients – to keep potentially damaging information out of court.
It was advised that as soon as a sexual abuse complaint was received by the church it should be forwarded to lawyers who would then "instruct" the church to conduct an inquiry.
"All documentation created from that time on forms part of that report and is incorporated into the correspondence between the Church and its lawyers, thus, hopefully, attracting legal privilege," the 1988 briefing paper by Father Brian Lucas stated.
Concern about what potentially damaging information was being kept on file became a preoccupation for the Catholic Church as the abuse scandal grew in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
In 1994, instructions were issued by the Archdiocese of Melbourne for "written comments to be kept to a minimum" during high-level meetings about the sexual abuse problem. Shortly afterwards, minutes of meetings where the church's "Special Issue" was discussed were no longer recorded.
In the case of notorious paedophile Father Gerard Ridsdale, lawyers for the Diocese of Ballarat vetoed the contents of a letter from Bishop Ronald Mulkearns to the family of one of his victims because it "would be open and possibly produced at any trial ... for compensation".
The Royal Commission has also uncovered a rare documented incident where a high-ranking church official tampered with potential evidence.
In a memo from 1996, Bishop Ronald Mulkearns acknowledged destroying a report about Ridsdale from a sexual abuse treatment clinic while Ridsdale was under investigation but "some months before any charges were laid".
Some senior church officials also suggested sensitive matters should be discussed on the telephone rather than in writing.
But church authorities are unclear about how widely or rigorously enforced the "legal privilege" tactic was among the various dioceses around the country.
The Australian Catholics Bishops Conference did not respond to a request for comment.
A spokesman for the Archdiocese of Melbourne said it was "unclear ... the extent to which it may have been adopted" after 1988.
"At least since the establishment of the Melbourne Response in October 1996, the archdiocese has not relied on the process referred to in the 1988 document and it considers that process to be an inappropriate use of legal privilege," he said.
But evidence tendered to the Royal Commission shows senior church figures were concerned "legal privilege" was still relevant even after the establishment of Towards Healing and the Melbourne Response, which were designed to be a compassionate alternative court proceedings.
In 2005, then Archbishop of Sydney George Pell expressed concern about the church's exposure to "increasingly aggressive litigation and escalating damage claims" because of a failure to take "appropriate protections" when processing sexual abuse compensation claims.
"Although I do not in any way suggest that we should engage in Towards Healing with an attitude of cynicism and self-interest, the aims of Towards Healing are not incompatible with initiatives that assist in reducing the potential risks for the Church in circulating admissions and other sensitive and prejudicial information without the protection of some form of legal privilege," he wrote.
"To do otherwise puts the Church at risk of significant and unpredictable financial exposure from personal injury claims."
It was a controversial position that now Cardinal Pell renounced in testimony before the Royal Commission in 2014. "I had legal advice on it, but I accepted it. I wouldn't write this now. I certainly did then."
Ultimately, the church's attempts to control or limit its record-keeping practices proved ineffective.
Thousands of internal documents have been tendered to state inquiries and the Royal Commission.
Contact: cvedelago@theage.com.au