| Residential School History Mirrored in Modern Policies That Still Harm Indigenous People: Report
By Mark Kennedy
Ottawa Citizen
December 14, 2015
Modern-day Canada is perpetuating the mistakes that led to the creation of the often-abusive aboriginal residential schools more than a century ago by policies that still harm indigenous people, an exhaustive new report has concluded.
The warning comes in the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, to be released Tuesday. The seven-volume report, a blistering indictment of Canada’s current approach to aboriginal issues, puts the onus squarely on political leaders at all levels to change government policies.
“The beliefs and attitudes that were used to justify the establishment of residential schools are not things of the past: they continue to animate much of what passes for Aboriginal policy today,” says the report.
“Reconciliation will require more than pious words about the shortcomings of those who preceded us. It obliges us to both recognize the ways in which the legacy of residential schools continues to disfigure Canadian life and to abandon policies and approaches that currently serve to extend that hurtful legacy.”
The commission zeros in on five areas – child welfare, education, language and culture, health and justice – to paint a disturbing picture of how Canada is turning its back on the needs of indigenous people.
“Over a century of cultural genocide has left most Aboriginal languages on the verge of extinction,” says the commission.
“The disproportionate apprehension of Aboriginal children by child welfare agencies and the disproportionate imprisonment and victimization of Aboriginal people are all part of the legacy of the way that Aboriginal children were treated in residential schools.”
In June, the TRC released a summary of its findings, spotlighting behaviour toward aboriginal people over past decades. The final report adds reams of detail, from the testimony of thousands of former students to archival federal government documents, laying out how the scandal of residential schools unfolded.
It also argues that many of the problems faced by aboriginals today are rooted in the residential school horrors experienced by preceding generations – right back to Confederation.
“The closing of residential schools did not bring their story to an end,” warns the commission. “The legacy of the schools continues to this day. It is reflected in the significant educational, income, and health disparities between Aboriginal people and other Canadians – disparities that condemn many Aboriginal people to shorter, poorer, and more troubled lives.
“The legacy is also reflected in the intense racism some people harbour against Aboriginal people and the systemic and other forms of discrimination Aboriginal people regularly experience in Canada.”
Beginning in the 1880s, more than 150,000 aboriginal children were torn from their families and sent to church-run residential schools established by the federal government. They were poorly fed, housed in badly constructed buildings that were often described as fire-traps, and neglected when their health deteriorated.
In total, seven generations of children were scarred by physical, emotional and sexual abuse in the schools, which often resembled violent prisons.
For most of the school year, they were not raised by their own parents, which meant they never learned how to become parents themselves. The intergenerational fallout was shattering and the effects are still keenly felt.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission that investigated the schools was created as part of a lawsuit agreement between residential school survivors and the federal government and churches. It has three commissioners: Manitoba Justice Murray Sinclair (chair); former journalist Marie Wilson; and Alberta Chief Willie Littlechild.
In an interview with the Citizen Monday, Sinclair called on federal and provincial governments to work together on fundamental reforms that give indigenous people “more control.
“We cannot ignore that the social conditions for indigenous people are still very poor and that they are a created, imposed set of conditions,” said Sinclair. “And we need to do something about that. The governments of the country created the situation. And they need to look at the way that they are doing business in order to fix it.
“Just as it occurred in the 19th century, when every leader in this country talked about the need to suppress and indoctrinate indigenous people into European cultural and religious systems, we need now for our leadership to say that indigenous people need to have the opportunity to determine their own lives.”
The commission’s written report is carefully documented through thousands of footnotes. Far from focusing only on the residential schools of a past era, it has conducted sweeping work that normally would be done by a royal commission.
Pressure will now be on Canada’s politicians to act on the commission’s 94 recommendations, which were released last June. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has promised to implement all of them – although he can act only on those that fall within federal jurisdiction. On the others, he would need to work with provincial and territorial leaders, churches, and municipal and education officials.
“Understanding and redressing the legacy of residential schools will benefit all Canadians,” says the commission, explaining how today’s indigenous people are still affected by the history of the schools.
“Governments in Canada spend billions of dollars each year responding to the symptoms of the intergenerational trauma of residential schools. Much of this money is spent on crisis interventions related to child welfare, family violence, ill health, and crime.
“Despite genuine reform efforts, the dramatic overrepresentation of Aboriginal children in foster care, and among the sick, the injured, and the imprisoned continues to grow.
“Only a real commitment to reconciliation and change will reverse the trends and lay the foundation for a truly just and equitable nation.”
Contact: mkennedy@ottawacitizen.com
Some of the TRC conclusions
Child welfare
Just as the objective of residential schools was to “civilize” aboriginal children by removing them from their homes and culture, today’s provincially run system of child welfare does the same. Thousands of aboriginal children are put in “non-Aboriginal homes with little consideration of the need to preserve their culture and identity.”
More Aboriginal children are placed in foster care each year than attended residential school in any one year.
“Like the schools, child welfare agencies are underfunded, often culturally inappropriate, and, far too often, put Aboriginal children in unsafe situations. The child welfare system is the residential school system of our day.”
The conditions that send so many Aboriginal children into the welfare system are connected to the “intractable legacies of residential schools including poverty, addictions, and domestic and sexual violence.” Reform of the child welfare system is “essential,” says the TRC.
One of the most devastating impacts of the residential school system was that it gave most students a poor education. For many, that led to chronic unemployment or underemployment, poverty, poor housing, substance abuse, family violence, and ill health.
“Governmental failure to meet the educational needs of Aboriginal children continues to the present day. Government funding is both inadequate and inequitably distributed. Educational achievement rates continue to be poor,” says the TRC.
The former Conservative government’s attempt to reform on-reserve First Nations education failed because legislation was paternalistic and did not adequately consult First Nations, says the TRC. “The inadequate funding of First Nations schools on reserves remains a national disgrace. Those classrooms today bear a shameful resemblance to the residential schools.”
Language and culture
Children who attended residential schools were forced to speak English and to a lesser extent, French. If they spoke their Aboriginal language, they were severely punished. “The damage affected future generations, as former students found themselves unable or unwilling to teach their own children Aboriginal languages and cultural ways.” Many of the almost 90 surviving Aboriginal languages in Canada are under “serious threat,” says the TRC, adding language is central to indigenous identity, and even physical wellbeing.
“If the preservation of Aboriginal languages does not become a priority both for governments and for Aboriginal communities, then what the residential schools failed to accomplish will come about through a process of systematic neglect.”
The schools left a catastrophic imprint on the health of students and on later generations. “Aboriginal people in Canada suffer levels of poor health that would simply not be tolerated by other Canadians,” says the report. “Aboriginal people have higher mortality rates, higher rates of disease, higher rates of accidental deaths and dramatically higher rates of suicide.
“Many of these problems stem from the intergenerational legacy of residential schools. The destructive beliefs and behaviours of many students have been passed on to their children and grandchildren as physical and mental health issues.”
The TRC says students in residential schools were “powerless to take any of their own healing measures. They were refused access to traditional foods and Aboriginal healers who might have helped them.
“Their families and communities were routinely excluded from decisions related to their care. Aside from the physical and mental damage these students bore, they were the first to bear what was to become a multigenerational affliction, one that would affect the ability of Aboriginal peoples to embrace their languages, their cultures, and their trusted traditional healing practices.”
Residential schools “inflicted profound injustices” on Aboriginal people. “The children who attended residential schools were treated as if they were offenders and were at risk of being physically and sexually abused,” the TRC says. When they complained of abuse, the students were often ignored. Years later, when they launched civil lawsuits, they found the legal system was stacked against them “in a way that often re-victimized the survivors.”
The criminal justice system also fell short. The TRC has been able to identify fewer than 50 convictions stemming from abuse at residential schools – a fraction of the more than 38,000 claims of sexual and serious physical abuse that were submitted to a compensation adjudication process established several years ago. “In many ways, the residential school experience lies at the root of the current over incarceration of Aboriginal people,” says the TRC.
“Traumatized by their school experiences, many succumbed to addictions and found themselves among the disproportionate number of Aboriginal people who come into conflict with the law.”
The TRC says once Aboriginal people are arrested and convicted, they are more likely to go to prison than are non-Aboriginals. Canada’s prisons are disproportionately filled with Aboriginals.
“The Commission cannot ignore these facts, as uncomfortable as they may be. We also need to look beyond the statistics to hear from the (school) survivors about the reasons they committed offences.”
Indigenous people are threatened by higher levels of violence than non-Aboriginals, particularly Aboriginal women. The TRC says the justice system needs to be fundamentally reformed. “A key element of that change must be a justice system, based on Aboriginal law and healing practices and under Aboriginal control.”