Jealous priest forced boy toy to choose: It’s me or your girlfriend
By Julia Marsh And Priscilla Degregory
New York Post
December 14, 2015
Rev. Peter Miqueli (left) and his S&M boy toy Keith Crist |
Keith Crist (right) was living with his girlfriend, Tatyana Gudin, when the Rev. Peter Miqueli forced him to choose and Crist kicked her out, the spurned woman told The Post. |
The Rev. Peter Miqueli’s alleged bodybuilding sex “master,” Keith Crist |
St. Frances de Chantal Church in The Bronx |
The Rev. Peter Miqueli was intensely jealous of his S&M boy toy — and it was that jealousy that led to his ouster from the pulpit, The Post has learned.
Miqueli flew into a rage after discovering that his bought-and-paid-for “master,” Keith Crist, had a longtime girlfriend he secretly shacked up with in the Harlem apartment for which the priest was paying rent.
The randy rev eventually forced Crist to pick between him and the woman earlier this year, spurned girlfriend and whistle-blower Tatyana Gudin told The Post.
When Crist picked Miqueli, kicking her out of the apartment, it helped set off a chain of events that has led to the priest’s downfall at St. Frances de Chantal Church in The Bronx.
It was “the straw that broke the camel’s back,” Gudin said of getting tossed into the street by both Miqueli and Crist, prompting her to reach out to a lawyer, church parishioners and even Cardinal Timothy Dolan to tell them the priest was leading a secret life of lust and larceny.
“When [Miqueli] found out — it was late March — he got really mad and really jealous,” Gudin said. “He [Miqueli] conspired with my boyfriend to illegally lock me out.”
Gudin, 45, claimed Crist, 41, and a pal of the priest changed the locks at their East Harlem pad on April 16, knowing she would be out for several hours having oral surgery.
The New York Archdiocese and Bronx prosecutors are investigating whether Miqueli stole church funds to pay for his sinful relationship with Crist.
Parishioners have filed a lawsuit against Miqueli — largely informed by Gudin’s statements — for allegedly stealing up to $1 million in church funds.
The disgraced priest was nowhere to be found on Sunday — not at his New Jersey home nor at St. Frances de Chantal Church, which announced that Miqueli was stepping down.
“What can I say? I’m embarrassed,” the priest’s brother, Joseph Miqueli of Pasadena, Md., told The Post.
The brother declined to get into any specifics, but hinted that he and other loved ones knew something was wrong after meeting Rev. Miqueli’s musclebound pal.
“It was kind of obvious,” said Joseph Miqueli. “I know that’s terrible. He’s got to ask for forgiveness. He’s in a mess. He’s in a pretty big mess. This thing is huge.”
Meanwhile, Dolan said after Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Sunday that he “admired’’ Miqueli’s decision to step down.
“It’s horrible, isn’t it?” he said. “It’s dark, it’s somber, it’s dreary. I’m sad for the good people at that parish.
“I’m sad for my priests who once again are tarnished,’’ added Dolan, who took heat while in Missouri over accusations he didn’t do enough to address priest sex scandals.
Upon his promotion from auxiliary bishop in St. Louis to succeed the archbishop in Milwaukee, Dolan said that he had learned his lesson about slow response.
“I’ve learned some very hard-won lessons. We can’t do business as usual . . . We’ve got to be more open, more transparent,” he said in 2002.
A rep for the Bronx District Attorney’s Office said Sunday that prosecutors are waiting for the archdiocese to complete its internal audit of Miqueli before pursuing any criminal charges.
Meanwhile, worshippers at St. Frances de Chantal broke into applause Sunday when a letter from their disgraced priest was read before each Mass announcing he was stepping aside.