| Ancoats School Sex Abuse Inquiry Urges More Alleged Victims of Headteacher John Mulligan to Come Forward
By John Scheerhout
Manchester Evening News
December 10, 2015
St Anne's Catholic School
A lawyer fighting for justice for alleged sex abuse victims of a primary school head has urged others to come forward.
In 2012 the M.E.N. revealed how the late John Mulligan, head of St Anne’s Catholic School in Ancoats, was accused of raping and sexually abusing a pupil 40 years earlier.
His alleged victim, now 61 and living in east Manchester, is suing the city council over the claims.
Since our stories 44 witnesses have come forward and 18 of them are mounting a group action against the education authority, Manchester City Council, for compensation.
The former pupils allege Mulligan would make them stand naked after they got out of the showers while he ‘checked’ if they were dry.
Some said they were also taken to his office and molested.
Now their lawyer Peter Garsden has urged any other alleged victims to come forward.
Mr Garsden said: “If anyone else knows anything about this case or remembers Mr Mulligan, I am appealing to them to come forward so that we can obtain more useful information.
“I am sure that there are more people out there who can help. Contact us in confidence on 0161 482 8822 or email peter@abneys.co.uk.”
Lawyer Peter Garsden
John Mulligan was headmaster at St Anne’s Junior School in Ancoats from 1965 until 1985 when he retired.
In 2006, he was charged with 12 counts of sexually assaulting two boy pupils in the 1970s but the allegations were left to lie on file because he was deemed unfit to stand trial.
The former headteacher, who is said to have inspired the career of United legend Nobby Stiles, was moved into a Moston care home after a stroke and died in 2010 aged 84.
The alleged abuse took place is said to have taken place in several locations both on school premises and elsewhere.
Mulligan took the children for football and swimming and is said to have abused boys in the shower room.
He is also accused of abusing boys in the headmaster’s study and at his home.
His accusers say he indecently touched them after being invited to sit on his knee. He is said to have beaten and caned his victims on their backside. They say the abuse happened regularly, sometimes daily.
One of the alleged victims says he has been left scarred, suffering from chronic reactive depression, agoraphobia, social phobia, mental distress and is now dependant on alcohol.