| Council of Cardinals Meeting This Week with Pontiff to Continue Planning for Vatican Reforms
Catholic Culture
December 10, 2015
The Council of Cardinals began its 12th session on December 10 meeting with Pope Francis to continue outlining plans for reform of the Roman Curia.
At their most recent meeting, in September, the “C9” finalized a proposal for the creation of a new Congregation for Laity, Family and Life. Pope Francis formally inaugurated that dicastery in October.
The Vatican has not announced the main subject(s) for discussion at this week’s meetings, which will conclude on Saturday, December 12. The group is expected eventually to propose the formation of another Congregation, combining the roles currently filled by the Pontifical Councils for Justice and Peace, for Migrants, for Health Care, and the charitable work Cor Unum. The “C9” has also been drafting a new apostolic constitution to define the roles of all offices of the Roman Curia.