Spotlight is half-truth and is NOT similar to All the President’s Men which had real footage of Richard Nixon. Spotlight obscured Cardinal Law…and concealed John Paul II
By Paris Arrow
PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.
December 03, 2015
Introduction: Half-truth means a statement that is only partially true; a statement that mingles truth and falsehood with deliberate intent to deceive. A half-truth is a deceptive statement that includes some element of truth. The statement might be partly true, the statement may be totally true but only part of the whole truth, or it may use some deceptive element, such as improper punctuation, or double meaning, especially if the intent is to deceive, evade, blame or misrepresent the truth. The purpose and or consequence of a half-truth is to make something that is really only a belief appear to be knowledge, or a truthful statement to represent the whole truth... A half-truth deceives the recipient by presenting something believable and using those aspects of the statement that can be shown to be true as good reason to believe the statement is true in its entirety, or that the statement represents the whole truth. A person deceived by a half-truth considers the proposition to be knowledge and acts accordingly.
God bless America and GOD FORBID SPOTLIGHT gets an OSCAR nomination.
Spotlight is the only deceptive movie in the 21st century -- because it serves as propaganda for the most powerful and wealthiest institution on earth – the Vatican. Spotlight and its Hollywood actors serve as decoy and ‘feel-good’ conversation piece for the heinous JP2Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.
Withholding the whole truth – or not saying the entire truth – or keeping silent about the truth is the same as lying and that is what Spotlight is doing – Spotlight is lying, big time.
Spotlight is withholding the entire truth and lying big time about Cardinal Bernard Law and concealing and keeping silent about John Paul II –– especially at the culmination and ending of the movie –– when it writes in letters that Cardinal Law resigned in 2002 and he went to Rome to work at a prestigious basilica. The movie withholds the most important basic truth – and it conceals the most important person -- John Paul II – who promoted Law to Rome – to restore Law back to glory – after his resignation from Boston. (As usual, idiots Catholics can’t see the difference because they are being blinded by Spotlight itself).
Spotlight is only telling half-the-truth-- the when and where – that Cardinal Law resigned in 2002 and moved to Rome. Spotlight is NOT telling the WHY, HOW and WHO – of John Paul II. There was no need to explain it at length…but an added 7 words – “promoted by John Paul II to Rome” would have made the culmination and ending of the movie – more truthful and authentic. Cardinal Law did not go to Rome on his own volition but it was a mastermind strategy by the Vatican and by the pope who reigned longest in history.
Spotlight is the antithesis of All the President’s Men that had generous real authentic footage of Richard Nixon. Richard Nixon was acted by himself in actual time – he was presented (cleverly juxtaposed) in the first person with the two journalists who exposed Watergate. Richard Nixon was Richard Nixon in All the President’s Men. And those two journalists played by Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman were stellar in their performances (compared to the unmoving actors in Spotlight). All the President’s Men deserved all the Oscars it got. Richard Nixon was a not a tell-tale by others (unlike the fabricated character of Cardinal Law in Spotlight). All the President’s Men was brutally truthful – and it gave many supporting footage – and evidence about Richard Nixon – by Richard Nixon.
Spotlight is a sharp contrast to All the President’s Men. In Spotlight, Cardinal Bernard Law was presented and spoken about –– mostly in the third person – it was always others who were talking about him and inferring about Law –– the journalists, lawyers, etc. Spotlight is a total fabrication of its antagonist Cardinal Bernard Law (which makes the movie a pathological liar). Not only did Spotlight – never showed the real face of Cardinal Law – it also falsely dramatised him by presenting him in a “nice” light and humoristic light in the only two scenes where he appeared (LOL & WTF) all dressed up in his cardinal a ‘prince of the church’ regalia). God forbid Spotlight get an Oscar nomination for any category.
Spotlight was a languishing and waste-of-time movie to watch. Those boring dialogues by those Hollywood A-listers who looked lifeless, boring, redundant with their non-exciting monologues or purported dialogues. Zooming on the languid faces of Michael Keaton and Rachel McAdams every now and then - that’s supposed to be journalism? WTF & LOL. Neophyte film students could have easily done a better job than Tom McCarthy and Josh Singer.
Spotlight is a half-truth and pathological liar movie and those Hollywood A-listers and those involved in the movie are ALL liars as well. Liev Schreiber, Michael Keaton, Rachel McAdams, Mark Ruffalo, Brian d’Arcy James, Stanley Tucci, et al, Tom McCarthy, Josh Singer are ALL LIARS. What they tell about Boston Globe is half-truth and they twist that half-truth by making it appear as if it is the whole truth – and only truth that matters. GOD FORBID SPOTLIGHT gets an OSCAR nomination.
During the (TIFF) Toronto International Film Festival, a scientist was interviewed about The Martian with Matt Damon. He was asked if he would go to Mars with Matt Damon. His answer was honest, “I wouldn’t go with Matt Damon, but I would go with the character he portrayed in the movie.” Now that is a good movie. That is how authentic the movie The Martian is.
Spotlight deceptions are forever. God save America from Spotlight
Spotlight falsely dramatised Cardinal Bernard Law. It deceptively portrays Law in the two scenes where he appears in the movie, Marty never verbally spoke to him about his cover-up. To end their encounter, Law gave as a gift - a thick book of the catechism - to Marty. That made some people laugh which proves how stupid Catholics are – because they can’t see they are being taken for a ride in Spotlight. They go out of the movie theatre quipping on the thick catechism book – instead of realising what a criminal person Cardinal Law really was. This false portrayal of antagonist Cardinal is where Spotlight proves it is the contrast and antithesis of All the President’s Men where the movie showed – incontrovertibly – what a real scumbag Richard Nixon was. God forbid Spotlight gets an Oscar nomination for any category.
The other deceitful scene in Spotlight was another feel-good event – when Law presided over a fancy Catholic charity fundraising party. The worst part of Spotlight is the culmination and ending of the movie – which is in writing – and it is half-truth about Cardinal Law – and that makes Spotlight ultimately a pathological liar movie.
Law did not go to Rome on his own volition.
Law is one of the evil Achilles Heels of John Paul II because he is the biggest proof that JP2 knew of the existence of more than 70 pedophile priests in Boston alone. Spotlight should have told the world that while they have made the only cardinal to resign – they were also outfoxed by John Paul II. By not mentioning John Paul II – who moved and paid for Cardinal Law – from Boston to Rome – Spotlight is half-truth and a pathological liar and deceptive movie.
SO WHAT if the Spotlight team published its first article on January 6, 2002 feast of the Epiphany, John Paul II outmaneuvered them all in the end. John Paul II papal farted to all the laity and victims in Boston who fought to make Law resign. In the end, Cardinal Law and John Paul II and the Vatican had the last laugh.
Spotlight is mere propaganda for the Vatican. Spotlight is a decoy for the Vatican crimes against humanity’s children committed by thousands of pedophile priests aptly called JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army – named aptly after the pope who reigned the longest yet did nothing to save children during his 27 years papacy.
Why this basic most fundamental fact and most important truth is omitted and denied to the viewers – is the biggest proof Spotlight was produced by the Vatican
Spotlight serves as propaganda and decoy for Vatican crimes against humanity’s children in the latter half of the 20th century committed by the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.
GOD FORBID SPOTLIGHT gets an OSCAR nomination.