| Spotlight & Philippines Jesuit Sex Crimes. Jesuit Abused Young Man “a Few Hundred Times” Starting When He Was 15 in Ateneo De Zamboanga, Arvisu House, Loyola House of Studies
By Paris Arrow
PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.
November 30, 2015
With news compilation
The Jesuits are among the most notorious sexual predators on earth.
Jesuits are infamous members of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.
END Statute of Limitation for pedophilia
This “Jesuit sex crimes” from the Philippines prove that the statute of limitation must be removed for pedophilia and pederast sex crimes because it takes about three decades before victims can speak about their shameful past. Lucas, (not his real name) comes out only now at the age of 46 and he was sexually assaulted "hundreds of times" starting at the age of 15. It took him three decades to reveal his shameful past and in the Philippines, that shame belongs not to him alone - but to his entire family as well. Read our article, --- New York Catholic bishops fight new Statute of Limitation bill for it would cause the church "catastrophic financial harm". WTF let Vatican Billions pay victims
Jesuits shamelessly abused and sexually exploited young boys - whether rich or poor. From its prestigious elite school in Berlin, Germany to the mentally impaired men in Los Gabos to an entire remote village of Native Indians in Alaska, Jesuits satiated their bestial lust while evangelizing and performing the Eucharist daily (see news compilation below) . “Sex crimes of Jesuits” are well reported by investigative journalists in the U.S. especially in Los Angeles and Los Gabos -- 20 years -- BEFORE Boston Globe published its first article (falsely dramatised in the movie Spotlight. God forbid Spotlight gets an Oscar nomination ). Spotlight was produced by the Vatican to act as a deceptive ‘feel-good positive’ conversation centerpiece – for its negative heinous Vatican crimes against humanity’s children – committed by more than 6,500 pedophile priests (in the USA alone) – who sexually assaulted probably 1.3 million American victims (worse than 9/11 attacks). These news (see below) coming from the Philippines – and also from Australia and from St. John's Abbey this week - proves one pedophile priest abused at least two hundred victims - or ‘hundreds of times’ his victim. Even (false saint) Mother Teresa’s spiritual director was a Jesuit notorious pedophile-priest and is now serving a 25-year federal sentence.
Pope Francis and the Jesuits don’t want people talking about these serial Jesuits pedophile priests. So they made the movie Spotlight – so people will talk instead about those ‘nice’ Boston Globe reporters and Hollywood A-listers acting as (deceptive feel-good) decoys for criminal priests. It’s akin to making people talk more about the firefighters of the Twin Towers instead of the 3,000 victims during 9/11 annual commemorations. Pope Francis is the greatest Jesuit Master of Deceits and the Spotlight movie is one of his biggest deceptive ploys – especially for Vatican Avarice and the pedophile Papal Nuncio Archbishop pimp whom he protected inside the Vatican and then “got rid” of him days before the premiere of Spotlight in Venice and his trip to the USA. God forbid Spotlight gets an Oscar nomination
Note that the word “sex crimes” is rarely mentioned for Franciscans, Carmelites or diocesan priests whose crimes are usually branded as “clergy abuse on minors” or simply as “abuse” (very vague word – could be substance abuse). It’s important to note that when reporters write about the Jesuits, it is in the extreme, it is “sex crimes by Jesuits” – lucid, indubitable and beyond doubt (it’s not alcohol or drug abuse).
The Los Angeles Jesuits paid tens of millions of dollar to their sex victims. But the Oregon Province or Northwest Jesuits paid more than $166 million to 500 victims. That’s $66 million more than dormant Boston (being resurrected in Spotlight). Victims of Jesuits are still bitter unlike those nonchalant passive Boston victims in Spotlight (who have shaken hands and made a movie with the Devil a.k.a. Vatican Mammon Evil Beast).
One of the victims of Jesuits sex crimes in Los Angeles now an adult walked into a Jesuit retirement home and beat his Jesuit sexual predator sitting on a wheelchair. The old Jesuit pressed charges for physical assault but the jury acquitted the young man. Someone from the jury afterwards said, “If I were him, I would have used a baseball bat to beat that crap”.
Read more in our articles on Spotlight below especially -- REBUTTAL: James Martin S.J. “The Media Ministry”. He does not mention Los Angeles Times that pioneered journalistic reports especially on series of ‘sex crimes by the Jesuits’ in the 1980s!
Below is a compilation of news coming out of the Philippines—with highlights and emphases.
While Vatileaks broke loose in Rome – to eclipse Spotlight in USA – this Jesuit sex crimes in the Philippines is also a shocker. Spotlight acts as smokescreen to divert attention away from on-going Vatican Evils today – especially Vatican Avarice in Rome. Americans are now being blinded by Spotlight for which more than 140 Americans journalists are Pied Pipers for an Oscar buzz -- but only a handful of them are reporting reality of Vatican Avarice today documented in two books from Vatileaks currently the newest and hottest news in Italy today.
Read our article --- Spotlight! Vatican indicts 5 people in Vatileaks. 2 Italian journalists defy Vatican court order. Meanwhile, in USA, 140 Americans deceptive journalists are Pied Pipers for Spotlight
Read also our article on deceptions by Boston Globe: Idiot Catholics, ‘Don't believe what you read from AP, Reuters and Boston Globe’... A small newspaper writer Joseph Tevington of the Bucks County Courier Times in Pennsylvania has detected the subtle snaky deceits coming out of giant journalists from AP, Reuters and Boston Globe and he is not afraid to special mention them.
The Filipino people probably will react more with denial and defense for the Jesuits (who have brainwashed them well for 300 years). But this should shake them and wake them up to smell the Devil’s Bowels – that smell like roses – by the Jesuits in the Eucharist Mythology.
In the Philippines, there are also thousands of priests who have mistresses and illegitimate children– it’s a common acceptable Catholic practise and hypocrisy – for the sake of reproduction of the Eucharist. There are other victims of pedophile and pederast priests in the Philippines and, hopefully they’ll come out as Lucas the victim said, “like a domino effect”..
Victims in Los Angeles are still bitter about Jesuit-sex-crimes but victims in Boston rarely complain since 2002 and the pedophile priests’ history is but dormant and Cardinal Bernard law who is the only archbishop who resigned was a total wimp and falsely depicted in the movie Spotlight. Law was promoted to Rome by (false saint) John Paul II (read our article, John Paul II’s Achilles Heels. George W. Bush’s Achilles Heels. Jeb Bush belongs to Regnum Christi of Marcial Maciel. Bush is the curse of America
If Hollywood wants to make a movie, they should do on active pedophile priests and not on dormant ones like those of Boston. The Globe reporters in spotlight movie are only a decoy to make American feel-good about Vatican crimes against humanity’s children committed by the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army – read our Spotlight movie articles below, especially -- Spotlight vs. Vatileaks: continual sagas of Catholic priests’ WILD sex life -from JP2 Army-John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army worldwide - to Rome - Vatican-owned BROTHELS, gay saunas, massage parlours for gay priests
The Philippines is a very Catholic country – very condemning and Filipinos gossip non-stop against the entire family – not only on the one member who was sexually abused or raped. This victim is brave to come out now and challenge the mighty Jesuits who are masters of deceits and he is defying the largest Catholic organization of the Jesuits. He is also defying sexual hypocrisy and Catholic stigma on sex. Fortunately, hundreds of millions of Catholics have become evangelicals and Born-Again Christians – but the Vatican will not report the loss of Philippines Catholics.
The Philippines is a breeding ground for pedophile priests because it is made of “poor” victims cannot afford lawyers. And it is the Vatican that breed poor nations.
John Paul II is the Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts and Rapists, and now that he is a saint, his JP2 Army is being disclosed, and now a Jesuit pederast is being revealed. Read our article, Vatican volcanoes & San Juan Pablo Fault. Lawsuits vs. Queen of Heaven & Our Lady of Guadalupe prove Vatican created a culture of sex abuse