| Westminster and Church Face Investigation in Child Abuse Inquiry
The Sun
November 27, 2015
Head of child sex abuse inquiry Lowell Goddard and shamed perv DJ Jimmy Savile
WESTMINSTER and the church were warned they face investigation by the independent child abuse inquiry today.
Justice Lowell Goddard – who chairs the probe – warmed “current or senior MPs, senior civil servants, government advisors and members of the intelligence and security agencies” could all be in the firing line.
She said: “We will conduct an objective, fact finding mission into allegations of abuse by certain people of public prominence associated with Westminster.”
The Catholic and Anglican Churches were also named and councils in Lambeth, Nottinghamshire and Rochdale were told they would be examined too.
Speaking in central London the judge set out 12 different areas which will come under scrutiny.
The probe was set up last year following claims of a high-level cover up of abuse and has been beset by delays following the resignations of two previous chairwomen.
It will be Britain's largest-ever public inquiry and is expected to take up to five years and cost tens of millions of pounds.
The armed forces, companies and charities will also be examined to determine if they kept children safe overseas.