| CARDINAL George Pell Locked in Two-front Battle at the Vatican
By Desmond O'Grady
Sydney Morning Herald
November 27, 2015
Italian journalists Gianluigi Nuzzi, left, and Emiliano Fittipaldi, have outlined divisions between Cardinal Pell and the Pope. Photo: AP
Cardinal George Pell is fighting battles on two fronts, one financial and the other in the realm of church doctrine, an area in which he managed to irk Pope Francis.
The Australian cardinal is attacked in two new books by Italian journalists as a "spendthrift moraliser" who spent ˆ500,000 ($730,000) in his first six months as Prefect of the Vatican Secretariat for the Economy.
The journalists, Gianluigi Nuzzi and Emiliano Fittipaldi, are being tried in the Vatican for using its secret documents, together with three Vatican employees for supplying them. The trio of employees worked for COSEA, a now dissolved commission set up by Pope Francis to identify financial situations needing reform after much mismanagement and corruption.
Perhaps it should have been a broom. Pope Francis signs a cricket bat he received from Cardinal George Pell at the Vatican. Photo: AP
Fittipaldi's book is called Avarizia (Avarice), Nuzzi's book has been translated into English as Merchants in the Temple.
The COSEA documents portray the situation at the beginning of last year when Francis appointed Cardinal Pell as a new broom and the two books are largely based on them. Nuzzi's book has a transcript of a February 24, 2014, meeting in which Francis surprised the 15-member cardinalate commission, which controlled the Vatican budget, by telling them they were being replaced by Cardinal Pell and his Secretariat. He praised Cardinal Pell for stepping down from being Primate of the Australian Catholic Church to become a banker.
The Secretariat has replied that the expenses were not ˆ500,000 but ˆ292,000 and included establishing both the Secretariat office and its chapel.
Two senior Vatican officials have come out in support of Pell.
Announcing a new era of accountability and transparency, Cardinal Pell proposed centralised control of all Vatican expenditure and of investments, which would be achieved by pooling all assets in Vatican Asset Management.
Hackles immediately rose against the "finance czar".
Previously the Secretariat of State had been the major Vatican office and the only one with daily access to the Pope. Suddenly it was flanked by new secretariat with the same status. Relations between them were not improved by Cardinal Pell announcing that he had found hundreds of thousands of euros in the Secretariat of State. The Secretariat of State considered this grandstanding because, it, explained, every pope was informed of these emergency reserves.
The Secretary of State has fought back, retaining control of its funds and of Vatican personnel appointments.
Cardinal PIetro Parolin, the Secretary of State, is a Francis-appointee but Cardinal Domenico Calcagno, head of the Vatican's main centre of wealth, APSA (Administration of the Holy See's Patrimony), is one of the old guard.
APSA manages the Vatican's extensive real estate and investments.
Cardinal Pell emailed Cardinal Calcagno that he should transfer APSA's real estate to the Secretariat forthwith and "not to take any other initiatives".
Instead, Cardinal Calcagno took the initiative of going to Francis who blocked Cardinal Pell's command.
Cardinal Pell was then criticised for using an email rather than a signed, official letter.
Cardinal Pell has been confirmed as finance controller but his investment plan, Vatican Assets Management, is in on ice.
But it's Cardinal Pell's battle over the doctrine on marriage that has exposed him to the biggest embarrassment.
Pope Francis seems to support the proposal that divorced Catholics who remarry, in certain cases to be decided by their bishop, should be able to receive Communion.
Cardinal Pell sees this measure as a denial of the marriage doctrine. Moreover, he thinks the 2014 Synod of Bishops was "rigged" to favour what Cardinal Pell sees as a mistaken approach – certainly the interim report of proceedings was.
During this year's Synod, 13 cardinals wrote a letter to the Pope, suggesting it too was "rigged".
Cardinals are supposed to advise the Pope but the letter was leaked to the press and it blew up in their faces.
Cardinal Pell admitted to signing it but said he did not write it. Other important signatories included Cardinal Timothy Dolan, of New York, and the German head of the Doctrinal Congregation, the watchdog of orthodoxy, Cardinal Ludwig Muller.
In the Synod itself Francis criticised the letter's "conspiratory" viewpoint. Cardinal Pell later said he was satisfied with the Pope's response.
But the German Cardinal Reinhard Marx went out of his way to say the German bishops' discussion group had been "saddened and dismayed" by Cardinal Pell's "divisive" stance.
The final ambiguous Synod statement left innovation or change as an option for Francis. Cardinal Pell said the Synod gave no endorsement of innovation.
Perhaps Cardinal Pell consoles himself with the maxim, "Many enemies, much honour".
Cardinal Marx, like Cardinal Pell, is a heavyweight both physically and institutionally: they are both members of the Pope's inner group of nine advisers and Cardinal Marx also heads the Vatican Council for the Economy whose decisions Cardinal Pell's Secretariat should implement.
Cardinal Pell will be 75 next June which is the age bishops offer their resignation. If the Pope decides he has made a mistaken choice, that would be an opportunity for him to rest Cardinal Pell permanently in some forward pocket but in the past he has praised the tenacity of the man he calls "the Ranger".
The reform of Vatican finances and the Church's central bureaucracy, the Curia, is proceeding with the Secretariat teaching all offices accounting procedures of international standard.
However, the two Italian journalists' books claim it is going slowly not because of Cardinal Pell but because of diffuse resistance – it took 16 months to appoint an auditor-heneral. A conference has just been held in Rome on the fourth Lateran Council, one of whose main aims was the reform of the Roman curia – that was last concluded on November 30, 1215, exactly 700 years ago.