| ‘spotlight’ Producers Refuse to Cut Jack Dunn Scene
CBS Boston
November 26, 2015
Boston College spokesman Jack Dunn. (WBZ-TV)
The makers of the movie “Spotlight” are refusing to cut a scene a Boston man claims ruined his reputation.
Jack Dunn, the longtime spokesman for Boston College, says the scene suggests he tried to interfere with the Boston Globe investigation into the cover-up of abusive priests.
“Hollywood needed a villain, and in this particular scene they assigned that to me,” Dunn said in an interview with WBZ-TV earlier this week.
Dunn’s lawyer is threatening to sue the moviemakers if they do not delete the scene.
The filmmakers responded Wednesdat with a 38-page letter, saying “Mr. Dunn’s interpretation of the film’s portrayal of him is incorrect. The film does not imply that he conspired with the Catholic Church to cover up any abuse… Courts have recognized that producers may compress events as they see fit as long as the depiction of the events themselves is substantially true… We respectfully decline to alter the film.”
Dunn’s attorney released a statement saying he is disappointed a movie about investigative journalism would fabricate quotes from a real person.