Cardinal George Pell Accused of Sex Assault Cover-up in Graffiti Attacks on Melbourne Buildings
By Christopher Talbot
The Age
November 25, 2015
Anti-George Pell graffiti outside the County Court.
A Melbourne court and a Catholic Archdiocese building have been defaced with graffiti accusing Cardinal George Pell of covering up child sexual abuse by priests.
Graffiti scrawled in black paint across the windows and pillars of the Catholic Archdiocese building in East Melbourne said: "put Pell in jail for cover up".
"Put Pell in jail" has also been sprayed on the Victorian County Court in Melbourne's CBD.
Cardinal George Pell
The graffiti spotted on Wednesday morning on the East Melbourne building was quickly painted over and covered with black plastic.
The words on the court were covered but are still visible from inside.
Cardinal Pell has not been accused of sexual abuse and has denied allegations he ignored complaints or covered them up.
Graffiti on the Catholic Archdiocese building in East Melbourne. Photo: Christopher Talbot
The Melbourne Catholic Archdiocese would not comment and were not aware the court had been painted until contacted by a news organisation.
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse this week began hearings into sexual abuse against children in Victoria.
More than 450 people have made sexual abuse claims against Archdiocese of Melbourne priests or people linked with the church since 1980.
The inquiry on Tuesday heard testimony that a boy was told he would go to hell if he told anyone about being abused.
Victoria Police said they are investigating the graffiti attacks.