Silent No More – a ground-breaking and positive Yeshivah Centre initiative
Manny Waks
November 18, 2015
It took some time but it’s finally worked out. I’m delighted that the Melbourne Yeshivah Centre is undertaking this ground-breaking and positive initiative. It’s precisely what I’ve wanted all along – to engage.
Only months ago no one thought this would have been possible. Not only me returning back to where it all started – but with Rabbi Glick by my side! Clearly the hard work is paying off.
I would like to encourage everyone to attend this event. Not only the Yeshivah Centre community, but all those who have questions to ask, comments to make, to vent - or simply to listen. As I told the organisers, from my perspective, anything and everything is on the table. There’s only one rule, let’s keep it respectful and civil.
Why did I go to the media – and why to the “antisemitic” The Age? Why did I pursue the Royal Commission option? Am I really anti-Orthodox/Chabad/Yeshivah? When will I cease criticising Yeshivah? Etc.
Absolutely any question is on the table. In fact, I’m happy to listen to comments as well.
From my perspective, the point of this evening is to engage and discuss. We may not walk away agreeing about everything but let’s at least put it all out there and be honest with each other. By the end of the evening, hopefully the level of animosity and disharmony will have been significantly reduced. And this can only happen through honest and open dialogue.
I urge the community - especially the Yeshivah community - to embrace this opportunity and to help break down the remaining barriers. And a profound thank you to the organisers for taking this bold step.
I’m confident and hopeful that this will be a cathartic experience for me personally, for the Yeshivah Centre and even for the broader Jewish community.
Together, let’s make this evening a success!
Please note that this evening will be filmed so those unable to attend will have access to most if not all of it.
The Yeshivah Centre invites you to an evening of reflection, understanding, healing and regret.
Silent No More
Please join us on the fourth night of Chanukah,
Wednesday evening, 27th Kislev - 9th December
6:45pm for a 7:00pm start
Concluding 8:30pm for Chanukah candle lighting.
Goldhirsch Hall
1 A’Beckett Street, St Kilda East 3183
Rabbi Avrohom Glick, Former Principal, Yeshivah College
Rabbi Yosef Y. Jacobson, Renowned Author and Speaker (via Skype)
Dr Cathy Kezelman AM, President Adults Surviving Child Abuse
Mr Manny Waks, Victim Advocate, Past Yeshivah College Student
Past Students, Yeshivah College
Moderated By
Mr Yudi New, New Strategic Advice