November 17, 2015
[with video]
I was privileged to have seen a sneak peek at Thomas McCarthy’s movie “Spotlight” which chronicles the Boston Globe Spotlight team uncovering the massive cover up of the sexual abuse crisis within the Boston archdiocese. One of the perks for being in the club.
It was a tough and surreal watch for me. Because I knew some of the people up on the screen. Not like Mark Ruffalo, although I was in Shutter Island. Not exactly with him. Or anyone else for that matter. But I was in it.Because typecasting works. Thank you Worcester Diocese for helping me do a convincing crazy.
But I digress..
I know Phil Saviano whose character is in the movie. I know Mitchell Garabedian. I’ve communicated with some of the reporters. So it was strange to see.
What struck me the most was this moment in the film.Mike Rezendes outburst and frustration happened because he felt something needed to be done. Immediately.
And some things were done. Cardinal Law resigned and went home to Rome. The Globe won a Pulitzer and other countries starting looking into the crisis within their borders.
The governments of the countries of Ireland and Australia took a huge and firm stance agains the church. Two UN panels on torture held the church responsible for these crimes against humanity.
But by that point there was a new Pope. A more groovy Pope. And people were less inclined to listen.
To the point where the Pope spoke at a joint session of Congress in the United States this year.Because this is just a sad piece of history in the Catholic Church according to Cardinal O’Malley. It’s also criminal, but that’s beside the point. And never discussed in polite company.
But for a moment the spotlight was shining on these crimes. and maybe because of the movie the light shine on it again. If only for another moment. See the movie and remember.
Before it becomes business as usual again.