| Bishop of Durham Visits Stanhope School to Talk about Child Abuse
Northern Echo
November 16, 2015
CHILDREN from a Weardale primary school took part in a special assembly with the Bishop of Durham to help them understand abuse.
The Bishop of Durham, the Right Reverend Paul Butler was at Stanhope Barrington Church of England Primary School to take part in an assembly led by the NSPCC.
The assembly is aimed at primary school aged children and helps them understand abuse, giving them the confidence and courage to speak out and seek help if they ever need it.
The Schools Service was set up in response to the fact that most children who contact the NSPCC’s ChildLine service about abuse are over 11 years old, though in many cases the abuse they are experiencing has been going on for some time.
Christine Danby-Platt, NSPCC schools service area coordinator for County Durham, said: “Children who suffer abuse often don't recognise that what is happening to them is wrong. We need to help them understand what is and isn’t normal behaviour and offer help if they need it. By educating children in this way, we believe we can protect a generation of children, one primary school at a time.”
Bishop Paul said: “Programmes such as this run by the NSPCC are a crucial part of our response to tackling abuse and I fully support the work that they are doing.”