| The Church of England Makes More Money Than Mcdonald’s and Starbucks in the UK
By Oliver Wheaton
November 13, 2015
The Church of England makes more money than Starbucks and even McDonald’s, according to figures revealed yesterday.
In 2013 the Church’s income was ?1.41billion, whereas McDonald’s in Britain brought in ?1.37billion and Starbucks’s British outlets only netted a tiny (in comparison) ?399million.
So where is the Church of England getting all this money from?
Almost half comes from regular churchgoers, who each put in an average of nearly ?700 a year into the collection plates, through tax-efficient donations.
The rest of the income is generated by the Church’s multi-billion pound investment fund and through ‘operating and trading income’.
Operating and trading income’ refers to fees from Christenings, wedding, funerals, gift shop sales and renting out church buildings to the community.
This income would make the Church of England the biggest charity in the UK, however it is split into several different charity bodies.
Carol Fletcher, senior financial planner for the Church, told MailOnline: ‘Through our investments, trading income and of course the generosity of parishioners, we have been able to continue in our mission to be a Christian presence in every community.’