Spotlight to Vatileaks:continual sagas of Catholic priests’ WILD sex life ...
By Paris Arrow
PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.
November 13, 2015
Spotlight’s American journalists vs. Vatileaks’s Italian journalists
The United States is now being barraged by massive media PR campaign – (that can only match the PR campaign for Pope Francis U.S. visit) – for the movie Spotlight released on November 6. More than 100 long assenting reviews by mainst ream media (from the east coast to the west coast, from the New York Times to the Los Angeles Times, and still counting) on Spotlight have been published – (which only the Vatican Billions can afford to scheme, master mind and pay for). No other movie in the history of Hollywood ever had such (a Vatican Opus Dei Plan) methodical, massive, orchestrated, organized (almost dictatorial) PR campaign for an “Oscar buzz” (God forbid Spotlight gets any Oscar nomination). (And God is not sleeping because) on November 5 th – like a sudden solar eclipse over Spotlight media madness – appears Vatileaks part 2 – with two books published in Italy – showing proofs of documents detailing wealthy Vatican properties in Rome which operate as BROTHELS, seedy saunas and illicit massage parlours where gay priests pay for sex – and that the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, (CDF where Cardinal RATzinger ruled for more than 20 years during papacy of John Paul II) owns hundreds of high-value properties in central Rome, worth hundreds of millions of Euros. Those two books based on Vatileaks 1 and 2 are: Avarizia (“Avarice”), by Italian journalist Emiliano Fittipaldi, and Via Crucis (released in English as “Merchants in the Temple”) by Gianluigi Nuzzi, another Italian journalist who was in Vatileaks 1 under Pope Benedict XVI. (See news compilation below).
GRAZIE Italian journalists
THANK you Italian journalists, for you refuse to sit down idly and be controlled by Vatican Circus of Deceptions (with its latest circus act in the movie Spotlight). GRAZIE Italian journalists, you are alert to what you see around you – and you tell the world about those secretive on-going active and live Vatican Evils – at the risk of your own lives against the Vatican Mafia (and you refuse to waste your time resurrecting an olden dormant bygone Boston Globe day – as falsely dramatised in Spotlight). GRAZIE Italian journalists, you are in-sync with the speed of light of the Internet – and you are better in serving humankind by exposing the Vatican Evils – on-going at the headquarter of Catholicism and in Rome – and by exposing the hidden hypocrisy of Pope Francis of today – (instead of digging the dust of some stale news in Boston and wasting millions of dollars on Hollywood impersonators – to resurrect them in Spotlight. Spotlight is a hoax akin to Christ’s body is a hoax in the Eucharist Mythology). Thank God, for empowering those Italian journalists who won’t be capped by American media craze movie Spotlight!
Very few journalists today are willing to lay down their lives for revealing the truth – such as those who revealed these Vatican Evils today and wrote the 2 books based on Vatileaks – these were Vatican employees who would rather risk their lives and tell the world the truth – because if they told it only to Pope Francis – and Cardinals, their reports would only be flushed down the toilet or burned like those thousands of Vatican Bank/IOR accounts. Read more in our articles,