| Readers Sound off on Sex Abuse, Success Academy and Homelessness
New York Daily News
November 13, 2015
The church protects its children
Manhattan: In her recent Op-Ed, Marci Hamilton claims, without a shred of proof, that in the archdiocese there are likely “more ugly secrets about hundreds of yet-unnamed priests than any other diocese in the country” (“Let victims pursue their abusers,” Nov. 9). Hamilton ends her article by falsely arguing that “the bishops’ coverup continues today, especially in New York.”
Nothing could be further from the truth. In 2002, the file of every priest going back to the early 1950s was reviewed for any allegation of sexual abuse of a minor. Every allegation was shared with the district attorneys. Under the archdiocese’s zero-tolerance policy, any priest who has had a substantiated allegation against him has been permanently removed from ministry.
As an additional safeguard, Timothy Cardinal Dolan has had an outside firm conduct a second forensic review of every priest’s file to make certain that no allegation has been overlooked.
Also in 2002, the archdiocese entered into memorandums of understanding with the district attorneys in the archdiocese on reporting all clergy sexual abuse of minor complaints. Under that agreement with law enforcement, we strongly urge anyone with an allegation of abuse to immediately contact the district attorney’s office.
In addition, whenever the archdiocese receives a complaint of clergy sexual abuse of a minor, the archdiocese reports the matter to the district attorney’s office and assists and cooperates fully with any investigation.
Finally, in regard to prevention of sexual abuse of all children in our parishes, schools and programs, the Safe Environment Office conducts background checks annually and trains priests, teachers, coaches, parents and their children with age-appropriate safe environment training. Edward T. Mechmann, Esq., Director of safe environment, Archdiocese of New York
Nothing succeeds like Success
Manhattan: It is frustrating to have so many outsiders like Randi Weingarten constantly attack Success Academy schools (“Our school discipline mistake,” Op-Ed, Nov. 8). I am a single mother raising two boys, and Success has been a blessing from the sky. I was afraid to have my kids in a public school because, after doing my research, I realized how poorly most public schools are doing — and I couldn’t afford private school. My kids are getting an extraordinary education at Success. My 9-year-old son is in fourth grade and reading at a high-school level. Success parents are not complaining. We are happy and thankful for this wonderful opportunity. Ana Vasquez
A model school
Brooklyn: I am a parent of two scholars at Success Academy Williamsburg. I am generally reluctant to react to remarks in written form as I don’t feel comfortable in my skills as a writer to express my thoughts eloquently. However, Randi Weingarten’s Op-Ed compels me to say something. She writes that “Staff and peer mediators should work with students on restorative practices through which students assume responsibility for their actions.” This is exactly what Success Academy practices and encourages in every aspect of a student’s education and life. They strive to educate all their scholars academically as well as nurture and guide them into becoming curious, productive, open-minded individuals. As a parent and frequent volunteer at my daughters’ school, I see this first-hand on a regular basis. Moreover, to compare the suspension or expulsion of elementary students to the assault of an African-American student in South Carolina is not only offensive but ludicrous. Maria Gargano
Not for my son
Brooklyn: I put my son in Success Academy because he needed a better structure than his previous city public school was providing. From day one, they labeled my son as a problem. There have been many, many, many incidents with my son and Success Academy staff, and he has been suspended seven times since school started for “defiant and unsafe” behavior. Shauntaye King
Serving kids
Manhattan: This is the fourth year I sent both my kids to a Success Academy. The animosity toward these schools is difficult to understand. I asked my children what they thought of their teachers. They said, “We love them. They give us hugs, they help us, and they let us have parties at the end of the week if we are good scholars.” Charter schools are publicly funded. They are free; children get in through a lottery system. They provide by far the best education available for free in New York City. Most of the criticism towards Success Academy comes from people who have never even ventured inside their classrooms. I’ve spent time in the science classes. I was blown over by the kids’ grasp of the fundamentals. They approached a question with a hypothesis and predictions at the tender age of 5. My children are very different, but both love school. They’re thriving, curious learners. Lucy Norcliffe-Kaufmann
What a brat
Manhattan: I am disgusted by Bill Bratton’s callous remarks about our homeless population. I don’t want to “get rid of them” by not giving to them. Instead, I would like to see those people living on our streets supported in getting the appropriate help they need — safe help, not city-run, crime-ridden shelters or homes infested with rats, exposed asbestos, leaky ceilings and no heat. I doubt that Bratton would survive one night out in the cold. Brenda Nicholls
Heartless on the homeless
Brooklyn: I cannot believe that someone can be so cold as to make a remark, “just ignore them and they will go away.” Bratton just proved himself to be a pompous jerk. Carol Herndon
AG of Fantasyland
Briarwood: Who the hell is Eric Schneiderman to tell me what I can spend my entertainment money on? So what if I want to spend it on fantasy football instead of the state lottery? Since the lottery is all luck, and fantasy football requires some skill, his argument makes no sense. Leave it to the radical liberals who run this city and state to tell their constituents what they can and can’t do. Glen Belekis
The reason for the season
Bronx: In recent years we’ve seen quite an uproar over the celebration of Christmas. This year again we are hearing about the absence of outward signs and symbols of Christmas in malls and different public places. But let’s clarify a few things. As Christians we celebrate the birth of the Savior, Jesus. The tree, wreath and other seasonal objects were “Christianized” so that we could use them in our celebrations. The only symbols that are reminders of what we are celebrating are the creche and the star. These we know will not be exhibited in public places because of their religious nature. This may be a blessing in disguise. Imagine what a true Christmas atmosphere we could share if we curtailed the importance we put on things and looked more to the spirit of Christmas. Spend less time in the stores and more time with our families. Put a greater effort in being the light, the bearer of gifts, and the evergreen rather than just observing the objects. Rosemarie Beitz
Lost in translation
Howard Beach: Voicer Daniel Colon’s claim that the only language Christopher Columbus is documented to have used is Spanish is false. Columbus’ signature was a mixture of Latin and Greek! Francis Colamaria
Red lights, blue uniforms
Manhattan: It should come as no surprise that pedestrian fatalities are on the rise in New York City. Traffic and police officers invite it by not doing anything about it. One need only stand and watch officers staring at their phones or into space, or talking to their colleagues, as taxis and other cars cut off pedestrians in crosswalks or run red lights. If the New York City Police Department actually enforced the rules, the fatalities and other injuries would decrease dramatically. Patricia Ann Grant
Distinction with a difference
Houston: Is the difference between Ben Carson’s assertion that he received a “full scholarship offer from West Point” and the likely fact that Carson’s ROTC commander or Gen. William Westmoreland assured Carson he could be admitted just a matter of semantics? Based on my experience, the answer is “no.” As a high school senior in 1963, I was nominated by Rep. Joe Pool as principal candidate to the U.S. Naval Academy. All I had to do to gain admittance was pass their “scholastic and physical examinations.” I failed the eye exam and never got in, learning the hard way that being both nominated and named the principal candidate was no guarantee. David Nelson