| Child Abuse Royal Commission: Peter Hollingworth, Former Governor-general and Anglican Archbishop Apologises to Victims of Paedophile Teachers
By Allyson Horn and Donna Field
ABC News
November 13, 2015
PHOTO: Peter Hollingworth told the inquiry he was appalled by the abuse victims suffered at the hands of staff St Paul's School. (AAP: Dan Peled)
Former governor-general Peter Hollingworth has apologised to the victims of two paedophile teachers, and says it was clear he did not do enough while Anglican Archbishop of Brisbane to address sexual abuse claims.
Dr Hollingworth was facing questions at a child sex abuse inquiry about his handling of abuse claims at St Paul's School while he was Archbishop between 1989 and 2001.
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is examining the conduct of school counsellor Kevin John Lynch and music teacher and convicted paedophile Gregory Robert Knight.
Both worked at St Paul's during the 1980s and 1990s.
Yesterday was the final day the royal commission was sitting in Brisbane.
Yesterday afternoon, Dr Hollingworth said he was sorry for the boys who were molested by the teachers.
"I am appalled by the abuse you suffered at the hands of two school staff members from St Paul's School," he said.
"I am saddened about the way these matters were dealt with during my time as Archbishop.
"I deeply regret that I did not press harder to have your complaints investigated more rigorously.
I am extremely sorry that the church and I failed to protect you.
Dr Peter Hollingworth, former governor-general and Anglican Archbishop of Brisbane
"If I'd exercised stronger authority, they may have been addressed more promptly and in a better manner.
"It is clear to me now that we did not do enough to help you ... and actions of the diocese and the school compounded your distress and suffering."
Dr Hollingworth in May 2003 became the first governor-general in a century to resign, leaving after an independent report found he had mishandled sexual abuse claims while Brisbane's Archbishop.
Dr Hollingworth said in 2004 he was surprised by criticism of the way he handled the abuse claims.
On Friday, Dr Hollingworth said he had examined his conscience over the past 12 years and "learnt a great deal more about the damage done to the lives of young people".
"I now understand far more about the negative and lasting impacts that can resurface through a persons adult life, and the emotional and psychological damage inflicted on the survivors.
"The more I have learnt about the long-term effects on survivors of sexual abuse the better I understand the importance of how complaints are dealt with.
"I am saddened and regret that your needs were not addressed as they should have been.
"Our young people have the right to go through life trusting that adults charged with nurturing and caring for them will never cause them harm.
"Too many children have had their trust destroyed and as a result endure a life time of suffering.
"I am extremely sorry that the church and I failed to protect you."
St Paul's principal apologises 'for the failings of the past'
The current principal at St Paul's has apologised to the former students who were abused.
Taking the stand on Friday afternoon, principal Paul Browning said the victims, who earlier gave evidence at the royal commission, were incredible, courageous men.
Mr Browning stood and faced them in the public gallery as he issued a heart-felt apology.
"I unreservedly apologise for the failings of the past," he said.
"We cannot begin to imagine the pain suffered by these former students and the impact it's had on their families and their friends."
Mr Browning, who started at the school in 2008, said the school betrayed the boys.
"I recognise that for many former students the systems, policies and practices or lack thereof in place at the time, let many young people down," he said.
"People who should have been trustworthy betrayed and abused vulnerable young people."
Family of sexually abused student says fees should be repaid
Current Anglican Archbishop of Brisbane Phillip Aspinall has been handed a letter from the sister of a former student sexually abused at St Paul's to ask for his tuition fees to be repaid.
The woman, whose brother was identified only as BRN at the inquiry, presented a letter to the Archbishop on Friday afternoon.
"Like many parents, my mum and dad made big financial sacrifices to send my brother to St Paul's. What they got was every parent's worst nightmare," the woman said.
While giving evidence, Archbishop Aspinall said there were "dire failings" in the response of the Church and some teachers.
"It's absolutely appalling ... and explains the complete collapse of trust of the survivors in the institution of the church and the school," he said.
Earlier on Friday, former St Paul's school principal Gilbert Case said complaints a teacher had spoken about boys' penis sizes were not enough to warrant investigation.
The former headmaster has repeatedly denied that victims told him of abuse, but admitted he failed to take note of "warning signs".