| Child Abuse Royal Commission: Headmaster Didn't Think Fondling Was Criminal Act
By Jorge Branco
Brisbane Times
November 12, 2015
A former headmaster at a Brisbane school that employed two paedophiles says he didn't believe a teacher touching or fondling students' genitals would be a criminal act.
Ex-St Paul's School headmaster Gilbert Case made the admission in 10 minutes of questioning by counsel assisting David Lloyd before the child abuse royal commission adjourned for lunch on Thursday.
Former St Paul's headmaster Gilbert Case speaks to the Royal Commission. Photo: Child Abuse Royal Commission
Mr Lloyd asked the former teacher a series of questions broadly relating to alleged complaints from a student that paedophile music teacher Gregory Robert Knight had exposed himself to boys during a game of "truth or dare" at a school camp in Caloundra, on Queensland's Sunshine Coast, in 1983.
He asked whether Mr Case would have considered actions like these inappropriate.
"My view was and I presume you know this, that that was a factor in that teacher leaving the school," Mr Case said.
The University of Sydney graduate said it didn't cross his mind until a conversation with a police officer in 2002 the actions could have been considered criminal.
Mr Lloyd then asked the former headmaster if the adult teacher's actions had extended to "touching or fondling" a boy's genitals, whether he would have considered that to be a criminal act.
"I probably did not think of that in terms of criminal acts," Mr Case replied.
Mr Case allowed Knight to resign in 1984 after allegations of his abuse of students emerged before writing him a reference for a job application in the Northern Territory.
In the royal commission hearing on Thursday, Mr Case admitted he was "reckless" to write a reference for Knight.
"I can only apologise to the commission and to any students anywhere in Australia or anywhere else who were affected as a result of my writing this reference," he said.
"I believe it was a stupid thing to do and something I should not have done."
Mr Case's own handwriting suggested he knew of allegations Knight had inappropriately touched boys, which he didn't share with a police investigation launched some 16 years later.
The undated file note, referring to complaints made against Knight stemming from a music camp in 1983, included words such as "cup penis and testy" of a boy known as BRX and "insists take pants off when sleep" referring to children at the camp.
The former headmaster told police in 2002 he didn't know of any complaints against Knight before October 1984 but on Thursday he admitted to knowing about two separate complaints two months earlier.
One of those included allegations from a school council member that Lynch had "homosexual tendencies" regarding his association with a member of the school's football team, which Mr Case admitted he possibly didn't investigate
He told them his only memory of a complaint against Knight, until seeing the documents recently, was that the teacher was dismissed after allegations stemming from a naked "truth or dare" game at the music camp.
"All that I remembered (when speaking to police in 2002) of Knight's departure related to what we might want to call the truth or dare incident," he said.
"That may sound strange. I can only say it's true.
"If anyone had approached me in the street or in a court and say 'why did Knight leave the school? What charges were made against him?' I would have replied in precisely the same terms as I've put there."
Mr Case continued to deny accounts from former students and parents that he was warned of Knight's abuses, saying he didn't remember the meeting taking place.
"There is a number of places in which past students or victims have accused me of accusing them of lying," he said.
"It's not a word I would use very often."
Mr Lloyd asked if he was expecting the commission to believe his account over the testimony of several different witnesses.
"I think we're talking about memories and I have no memory of that," Mr Case said, to which Mr Lloyd replied it was "pretty odd" the others all said the same thing.
Mr Case rejected a proposition put by Mr Lloyd that he had sought to sweep sexual abuse allegations "under the carpet" on every occasion except the "truth or dare" report brought to the school council on October 22 that led to Knight's resignation.
He maintained he didn't receive any sexual abuse allegations against Lynch "in his lifetime".
Mr Case was in charge of the Bald Hills School from 1979-2000.
Knight taught at St Paul's for four years in the '80s and serial paedophile Kevin Lynch came to the school in 1979 from Brisbane Grammar School, where he abused dozens of students.
Lynch committed suicide in 1997 after being charged with abusing a St Paul's student.
Mr Case maintains he was not aware of any of Lynch's actions until after the school counsellor's death and that he forced Knight to resign soon after allegations emerged of Knight's wrongdoing.
Through a series of resignations and positive references, Knight was able to transfer from South Australia to Queensland and then to the Northern Territory despite allegations of sexual assault being found to be substantiated against him in all three states.
He was convicted in 2005 of abusing a boy at St Paul's and in 1994 of abusing five students in a Darwin school, including two counts of carnal knowledge.
The royal commission's Brisbane hearings continue on Friday.