Qld school, church dismissed me: victim
By Alexandra Patrikios
7 News
November 9, 2015
The child abuse royal commission will continue to hear from victims of abuse at a Brisbane school. |
A victim of a convicted pedophile at an elite Brisbane school says it's outrageous a lawyer for Peter Hollingworth asked him to delete references to the former governor-general from his statement to the sex abuse royal commission.
The former student of St Paul's School told the royal commission he'd been abused by music tutor Gregory Robert Knight after starting at the school in 1981.
He said Knight groomed him for abuse, eventually drugging and raping him, but then-headmaster Gilbert Case told him to "never lie like that" when he revealed his treatment.
But he also said Mr Hollingworth, who was then Archbishop of Brisbane, showed no empathy and had made comments "instrumental" to his mental decline which tipped him into a severe depression.
"Unfortunately through his words and actions, he really shows that there is a disdain and lack of compassion toward people like me," he told the commission on Monday.
He then accused Hollingworth's lawyer Caroline Kirton QC, of asking him to remove all references to her client before giving evidence to the royal commission.
"That's just outrageous," he said.
The victim said church leaders more concerned with self-preservation than accountability.
Mr Hollingworth was appointed governor-general in 2001 but resigned two years later over his handling of abuse allegations.
The victim also took aim at Mr Hollingworth's successor as archbishop, Dr Phillip Aspinall, for allegedly trying to "bamboozle" him into submission during a meeting.
A mother who sent her sons to St Paul's also gave evidence of being called a liar by Mr Case.
She requested a meeting with him after her son's friend told her he'd been fondled by Knight on school grounds under the guise of him searching the student's pockets for cigarettes.
Despite their denials, she asked three school figures what was going to happen to Knight in light of the accusations.
"There is nothing to be done, because there was nothing going on," a Bishop Wicks, who was also at the meeting, allegedly replied.
Knight had previously taught in South Australia and been found guilty of "several counts of improper and disgraceful conduct" with students while employed by Willunga High School.
A former staff member told the inquiry he'd been on a camping trip with Knight and five students in 1977, where the teacher swam nude with the boys.
Teacher Gregory Day said the convicted pedophile also rubbed the shoulders and temples of a young boy who came into his tent complaining of a headache.
But Knight later told his colleague rumours he'd ejaculated on the boy's sleeping bag were false.
"Greg Knight was a very, very capable teacher, and that's the sad part," Mr Day said.
The inquiry heard former South Australian education minister Donald Hopgood wrote a positive reference for Knight who played in a band with him, despite being made aware of sexual misconduct allegations.
The royal commission continues.