Royal commission compiles disturbing profile of sex abuse
By Nick Toscano
Sydney Morning Herald
November 05, 2015
Justice Peter McClellan at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Photo by Jeremy Piper |
Australia's landmark child sex abuse inquiry has provided for the first time a profile of the most commonly reported instances of abuse from private interviews with thousands of survivors.
In a speech on Thursday, chairman of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Justice Peter McClellan, will outline a statistical overview of the disturbing experiences of almost 2800 sex abuse victims collected so far.
The commission's analysis reveals the average age of abuse was 10 for males, and nine for females, while the most common decade in which abuse occurred was the 1960s (28 per cent) closely followed by the 1970s (23 per cent).
It also found that just under half of the reported abuse occurred in out-of-home care, including orphanages, children's homes and foster care.
About 60 per cent of institutions where abuse occurred were faith-based organisations and 23 per cent were government-run.
Half of the abuse involved penetration and about two-thirds fondling. On average, child abuse spanned a period of 2.8 years.
"The commissioners have already heard from over 4200 people in private sessions," Justice McClellan will tell the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abuse conference.
"There are an additional 1400 on the waiting list ... and each week, approximately 40 new people are referred for a private session."
Private sessions data indicated behaviour and mental health effects were the most commonly reported impacts on survivors.
"Many people who have been abused report post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and high rates of alcohol and substance abuse. Compared to non-abused groups, victims of abuse are less likely to achieve secondary school qualifications, gain a higher school certificate, attend university and gain a university degree."
The commission has also learned about problems with sexual identify, sexual adjustment and links to prostitution as a result of being abused as a child.
Justice McClellan says there is comparatively little research on the specific impacts of abuse in an institutional context, and abuse by a respected priest or teacher could have a different consequence than abuse at home.
"Trust in all of society's institutions can be lost," he says.
The commission in August recommended a national redress scheme be established to provide compensation, counselling and psychological care.