Child sex abuse inquiry: Former Brisbane Grammar School students to detail years of abuse
By Matthew Killoran, David Murray
November 3, 2015
A MOTHER whose son was sexually abused by Kevin Lynch at Brisbane Grammar has given emotional testimony of the damage inflicted.
The witness, whose son gave evidence immediately prior to her testimony, said she had sent her four children to “what we thought were the best private schools in Brisbane”.
“What did we get for our money? We got the worst anyone could possibly imagine,” she said, describing her son’s addiction to alcohol and drugs and how she was officially his carer.
Using the pseudonym BQR, she stopped repeatedly to try to compose herself as she told how her son’s development had been damaged and he would never reach his potential.
“Because he was sexually abused instead of being cared for he has not been able to have a profession, a wife or children,” she said.