| Harvey Catechism Teacher Arrested, Accused of Showing Girl Photo of Naked Man: Jpso
By Michelle Hunter
The Times-Picayune
November 3, 2015
Daryle Rodriguez, 71, of Harvey, was arrested and booked with indecent behavior with a juvenile. (JPSO)
A 9-year-old girl who thought she was going to see a picture of her catechism teacher dressed as Santa Claus told her mother that the teacher instead showed her a photo of a naked man.
Authorities arrested Daryle Rodriguez, 71, of Harvey, and booked him with indecent behavior with a juvenile, according to Col. John Fortunato, spokesman for the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office.
Rodriguez taught fourth grade catechism classes at St. John Bosco Catholic Church's parish school of religion, said Sarah McDonald, spokeswoman for the Archdiocese of New Orleans. He was relieved of his teaching position following his arrest, she said.
Rodriguez, who does bear resemblance to St. Nick, was trying to show his young student and her friend cell phone photos of himself dressed in full Santa regalia. But the first picture the girl saw was a full-frontal photograph of a nude man, an arrest report said. The girl went home and told her mother.
Deputies met with Rodriguez on Thursday (Oct. 29). He admitted having a nude photo of a man with exposed genitals on his cell phone, the arrest report said. He told deputies he uses his phone to search for pornography but doesn't know how it was saved to the device.
Rodriguez told deputies he covered up the photo when he realized the nude photo was showing and deleted the picture following class that evening, the report said.
Rodriguez, of 3836 Inwood Drive, Harvey, was booked at the Jefferson Parish Correctional Center in Gretna. Bond was set Tuesday at $15,000, court records said.
The Archdiocese requires background checks for all volunteers who will have any ongoing, regular contact with children, McDonald said. Rodriguez did not have any major violations in his criminal history.
St. John Bosco's parish school of religion, this week, is sending out a letter notifying parents of Rodriguez's arrest. Below are some excerpts from the letter:
"Dear Parents of St. John Bosco PSR Students:
"It is with great sadness that I write to inform you that Mr. Daryle Rodriguez has been arrested on a charge of indecent behavior with a juvenile. Up until last week, Mr. Rodriguez taught 4th grade at our parish school of religion this fall. He has since been relieved of this and all positions with St. John Bosco Parish. Your child's religious instruction will continue under another trained and certified religion instructor.
"Though the action did not involve physical contact, it was inappropriate and required police investigation. As soon as allegations of inappropriate behavior came to light, we quickly turned the information over to the police, and they in turn moved quickly with an investigation and arrest. We will continue to work with them through this process.
"We want to assure you that all Safe Environment trainings and background checks on Mr. Rodriguez were completed.
"While this situation is a sad one for our community, I take comfort in knowing that our students have themselves been through safe environment training and know how to protect themselves by letting those in positions of trust know of any threats to their safety. (...)
"The safety of our children is of utmost importance to all of us. We will always act quickly and responsibly in such situations. Please keep all involved in this unfortunate situation in your prayers, and know that you all remain in mine."