It's clear the Catholic Church remains divided in Guam. Those who attended a birthday fundraiser held in Tumon, were greeted by a stream of protestors upset with the archbishop.
Inside the Hyatt-the sweet sound of jazz music fills the room. Outside a much different tune.
Teri Untalan said, "He's got a gala in their for his pseudo-seminary.
Inside: precious items up for silent auction. The archbishop said, "They will announce it as well as other items out there that you may see icons, statutes, figurines whatever."
Outside: picket signs of protestors vocal about their discontent. "Just get him out of here, we just want him out," said protesters.
Untalan was among a group of 50 members of the Catholic Church, that are part of the Laity Forward Movement Group, upset with Archbishop Anthony Apuron. As he celebrated his 70th birthday inside the Hyatt Sunday night, they stood outside in protest of the $200 a plate birthday fundraiser .
"The archbishop is having a gala celebration this evening to benefit the seminary that he opened up here on Guam," she said. "He also claims there's a second seminary that he opened for diocesan seminarians. This is on property that basically he stole from the archdiocese and turn over to the Neocatechumenal Way."
According to The Neocatechumenal Way - An Insider's View blog, the gala was a success. Hundreds of people attended. The blog also questioned why a protest was held for a birthday. Untalan however says it's more than that, it's about the archbishop's actions, saying, "Our biggest concern is that we have no confidence in our bishop and when you have no confidence in your leader then you need to step down and that what we're asking we used to ask for reconciliation we are now saying resign step down."
The Laity Group continues to protest the removal of Father Paul Gofigan from the Santa Barbara Parish in Dededo and Monsignor James Benavente as rector of the cathedral amid allegations of financial mismanagement.
"He has trumped up charges against them and they have no founding for any of that so we just want him he's out here having $200 a plate fundraiser money that could be spent feeding the hungry truly poor p[people that need to be helped," she said.
The proceeds from the birthday bash reportedly will not only go to the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Yona, but also to the John Paul II Seminary and the Archdiocese of Agana.