Child abuse campaigner: I've walked across Europe but now my message must cross the world

By Marion Scott
Daily Record
November 1, 2015

Child abuse campaigner Matthew McVarish

WALKING 10,000 miles across Europe to try to end child abuse was just the start of a journey now taking actor Matthew McVarish across the world.

The CBeebies star has just returned from Geneva, where he gave a talk to the United Nations on how to tackle the ­problem.

Matthew knows all about the issue from bitter experience. He was abused by his uncle from the age of seven.

He got to speak to delegates after walking through Europe to raise awareness of the issue.

He met the Pope and political leaders during his hike to press for the removal of statutes of ­limitations so sex crimes dating back decades can be prosecuted.

Eight EU countries have amended their laws since his walk and he has now been invited to speak in India and Thailand.

Matthew, who played buffet car manager Raymond in CBeebies show Me Too, said: “Hungary, ­Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, ­Lithuania, Portugal, Malta and Romania removed their ­statute of limitations as a result of my walk.

“But this needs to happen ­worldwide, which is why I’ll be spreading the message through ongoing work with the United Nations.

“The opportunity to also take the message to Thailand and India is hugely significant.

“I always knew in my heart I’d complete my walk across Europe but I never dreamed it would take me so far.”

UN members have been signed up to the Declaration of Justice for Victims of Crime since 1985.

They agreed that all victims are entitled to access to the ­mechanisms of justice for the harm they’ve suffered.

But campaigners grew ­frustrated about legal bars on older crimes preventing ­prosecution. Matthew, 33, decided to do something about it.

Before embarking on his journey the actor, who has appeared in Taggart, revealed he was abused by his uncle, Terry McMonagle .

He said: “I was 25 before I found the strength to talk about my uncle abusing me.

“Child abuse is so awful. It takes years to end the silence but the laws in many countries completely ignore this fact.”

Former teacher McMonagle was eventually jailed for six years in 2010, aged 60.

Matthew said: “He’d warn if I told what he’d done, it would rip our family apart. I kept silent until I couldn’t any longer.”

The actor was awarded a ­doctorate by the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in February for his achievement and is grateful for the support he has received.

He said: “It didn’t tear my ­family apart, it brought us together.

When I walked the last miles home to Scotland in February, they were all standing there, ­cheering me on. That meant everything to me.”


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