Bishop Calls for Reflection after Priest's Death
ABC News
October 19, 2015
PHOTO: A priest accused of child sex abuse has been found dead in his Hunter home. (ABC News: Dan Cox)
A suspected paedophile Anglican priest has been found dead in his Hunter home while awaiting a hearing into child sex abuse allegations.
Reverend Campbell Brown was accused of abuse at the North Coast Children's Home dating back more than 50 years.
Evidence of the abuse was recently heard by the Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse.
It is understood Brown was awaiting a Diocesan Professional Standards hearing but was found dead in his Hunter home on Sunday.
Newcastle Anglican Bishop Greg Thompson has sent a letter to Members of the Synod saying "the burdens people carry can lead to awful consequences".
He says people should be mindful of those who bear great struggles of mind and spirit and how important it is to share the burden with others.
Bishop Thompson has invited the diocese to enter a time of prayer and reflection on their loss and heartache.
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