| Geophysical Survey at Site of Tuam Mother and Baby Home
RTE News
October 9, 2015
The purpose of the survey is to detect the presence of possible sub-surface anomalies (Pic: Andy Newman)
The Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes has confirmed that a geophysical survey is being carried out on the site of the graveyard at the Dublin Road Housing Estate, Tuam, Co. Galway.
The survey will be conducted with the consent of Galway County Council, who are the owners of the site.
The survey will involve the use of non-invasive methods.
It will be conducted over the surface of the ground inside the current boundaries of the graveyard. The sub-surface of the site will not be disturbed.
The purpose of the survey is to detect the presence of possible sub-surface anomalies.
Ground Penetrating Radar, Magnetometry and Electrical Resistivity remote sensing methods will be used.
It is expected that work on site will take no more than one day, weather permitting.
The company on site have been engaged specifically by the Commission to carry out the survey.
The survey is being supervised on-site by an experienced forensic archeologist.